Duff: Israel will destroy us

| September 17, 2010

Yes, Gordon Duff is a moron, a world-class moron. We’ve featured many of his nuttier warnings about the Mossad false-flag operations which have plagued the poor idiots who inhabit this planet. Only Duff seems bright enough to spot the clues which point at the Israelis. Every. Single. Time. Well, this week’s column is no different. Entitled Is America’s Military Prepared For The Israeli Threat? along with a picture of an ICBM launch.

The lunacy is too deep for me to burn off brain cells disputing every point, so I’ll just bring you the last few lined;

In fact, a large majority of Americans openly admit, on every opinion poll, that they don’t trust our congress, our president or any American institution. Nobody asks them why. Would they know? Is it because a foreign country controls our banks, our news, our congress, our military , our foreign policy?

No American has a clue where President Obama came from. Many believe he is foreign born, many more think he is Muslim and some believe he is a space alien. In 250 years, documents will be declassified that will either prove or disprove that former President Bush belonged in prison, not the White House, guilty of, not AWOL (absent without leave) but desertion during wartime.

For the Bush years, it was made clear that a military career had to be built on loyalty to Israel

The view of the state of affairs taught our military is childishly stupid. How many of our military leaders are childishly stupid also?

Duff still clings to the fairy tales about GWB being AWOL – it only demonstrates how illiterate and inexperienced Duff is in all things military. Apparently, no one taught the 18-month Marine how to read officer evaluations.

And speaking of “childishly stupid”, wouldn’t an average man of Duff’s age outgrow believing in modern day myths by now? Duff’s grasp of reality is tenuous at best.

My favorite quotation from Samuel Johnson’s “The Patriot”;

“It is the quality of patriotism to be jealous and watchful, to observe all secret machinations, and to see publick dangers at a distance. The true lover of his country is ready to communicate his fears, and to sound the alarm, whenever he perceives the approach of mischief. But he sounds no alarm, when there is no enemy; he never terrifies his countrymen till he is terrified himself. The patriotism, therefore, may be justly doubted of him, who professes to be disturbed by incredibilities…”

Thanks to TSO for the link.

Category: Antiwar crowd, General Whackos

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But he sounds no alarm, when there is no enemy; he never terrifies his countrymen till he is terrified himself…”

Unless it suits his political purposes. This is how it really is:
“The Republican Party was once a moderately conservative, pro-business outfit, until it was hijacked by the oligarchy and turned into a full-on predatory machine, hiding behind the facade of hate mobilizing issues like bogus overseas threats abroad and uppity brown people and demanding women at home. Basically, any way that middle class white males could be distracted from their sinking economic status – through the diversion of a sense of superiority over others, or the supposed threat to that superior status – was employed to cover for a party whose true agenda was to quietly produce the greatest transfer of wealth in all of human history.
– David Michael Green


Thanks for that comment Joe, it not only added nothing to the conversation, but had nothing whatsoever to do with the subject! Well done sir, well done!

Old Tanker

…through the diversion of a sense of superiority over others…

Sounds alot like you Joe…


Gordon Duff spent a whole lot longer in the military than I ever did; however, having said that, I will offer this as a mild criticism. Eighteen months “does not an expert make” in any field, particularly in off-shoots of the original endeavor. What are his qualifications in international affairs, for example? And, isn’t there enough to discuss legitimately without resorting to tabloid-like conspiracy theories?


uppity brown people

You know, I hear that phrase and others like all the time from the left, always attributing it to conservatives and libertarians, yet I have never heard it from those people, save in parody. This has made me wonder when the liberals are going to start using their obviously-awesome mind-reading powers, the ones with which they can perfectly divine that phrase’s prominence within their opponents’ thoughts, for a good cause.

Then I remember I’m dealing with the delusions of liberal insanity. Joe, in particular, is quite effective in reminding me of this, as he plays so far out in left field that mistaking his rantings for the words of a sane man is utterly impossible. Thank you, Joe, for that service.


There’s one of Joe’s Grenades…you know, the ones that he likes to toss in the room to watch the reaction…

AW1 Tim

Judging from the reaction of leftists and most media, it’s all those uppity white folks in the Tea Party that are causing the real problems…..

Leftards simply can’t stand it when Joe Public thinks for himself and acts on his own behalf. 🙂


How can you justify calling Gordon Duff a moron? Oh.. wait..I clicked on the link, read the entire article, and as my eyes glazeth over… Yes, I read the whole piece and was going to read it again to make sure I read it correctly. Needless to say I didn’t. Despite what the main focus of the article is supposed to be, all I can think to say is: How can he compare the killing of Osama Bin Laden to the assassination of Benazir Bhutto? Is that a little “off”?

As I am fairly new to this forum, I was puzzled by the first comment by “Joe”. I am very fond of quotes myself, used to express feeling or impact, however I do not understand why this gentleman chose this quote (and I read it three times). Furthermore, if he is going to voice his own opinion, should he not do so in his own words?

Lastly, the quote from “the Patriot”… very well chosen.