From My Inbox

| July 11, 2008

I guess everyone is getting the sense I’ve run out of stuff to write today, so thankfully, they’ve been emailing me stuff and I’ll share some of it with you here.

DPUD sent me a link to The Drawn Cutlass who wrote about a Native American sniper in the US Army who just finished a stint in the Canadian Army and decided to switch sides (I kid). It’s a fairly fascinating story, but each of those guys who stand in the breech are fascinating in their own ways.

My buddy D. wrote “Four Months For Victory” at The Dillard Doctrine.

WHO/WHAT: On July 9, Vets for Freedom will hold a press conference—featuring over a dozen Iraq war veterans—to launch a national “Four Months, For Victory” media and grassroots campaign. The effort will culminate on Veterans Day (November 11) and is intended to inform the American public and key lawmakers about the phenomenal success that our troops have achieved as a result of the surge and the importance of ensuring victory in Iraq, Afghanistan and the overall Global war on Terrorism.

The launch includes a multi-million dollar television-advertising buy in target markets and on national cable that will air next week and run throughout July and August. The first television ad will be released at the press conference featuring the Iraq and Afghanistan veterans appearing in the ad. These pointed ads are aimed at informing the American people about the truth regarding progress in Iraq and Afghanistan .

Here’s the VFF ad I’ve had in my YouTube account waiting for someone more qualified than myself to write about the VFF;

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Go read the rest at D.’s house.

Bruce Kessler at The Democracy Project sent me this link to his review of the upcoming “Generation Kill” HBO project about the a Marine unit during the initial invasion of Hussein’s Iraq. He put a lot of work into the research, and even though he hasn’t seen the movie or read the book, he’s assembled a lot of background on it.

Jacob wants you to read about the DNC hiding the homeless people in Denver during their convention at this American Pundit link.

In order to keep homeless residents out of sight during the Democratic National Convention, the city of Denver is giving away passes to local activities and televisions have been donated to homeless shelters.

A plan has been developed to provide interested homeless people with free access to cultural activities. They include the Denver Zoo and the Denver Museum of Nature and Science, and they won’t have to worry about paying for transportation.

“We’ll have bus tokens if they need them,” Parvensky said.

Isn’t that nice? For one whole week, the homeless don’t have to worry about what they’ll do with their free time. But then, that’s the Democrats for you – just so long as they do something for the homeless in Denver while the Democrats have to see them, then the Democrats feel good about themselves. Maybe they could give them jobs at the Convention instead…a little life experience. Or buy them new styrofoam cups.

Speaking of begging…This Ain’t Hell just got it’s first donation from one of your fellow readers. I won’t embarrass him or her but I am grateful. Thanks loads. Now what’s wrong with the rest of you?

If you won’t send me money, at least send me tips and I’ll add them here.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Bloggers, Politics, Support the troops, Terror War

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I guess everyone is getting the sense I’ve run out of stuff to write today, so thankfully, they’ve been emailing me stuff and I’ll share some of it with you here.

Nah, didn’t get that at all, just thought the story was something you and your readers would like.


Thanks for the mention!