OFA: Payback

| September 15, 2010

Here’s my latest email from my BFFs at Organizing for America – the Democrat National Committee’s shell group. Apparently, just like they did with Newt Gingrich, Denny Hastert and every other Republican Speaker of the House, they’ve targeted Ohio’s John Boehner and pegged him as an extremist puppet of the lobbyists;

Yeah, a “grassroots supporter” has promised to match your donation. Cuz all grassroots supporters can make an open ended commitment to match your money dollar-for-dollar. And his name probably happens to be Soros – if not a K Street lobbyist. We all know that Obama isn’t beholden to lobbyists – he’s put them all on his cabinet.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Liberals suck, Politics

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Maybe they’ll get a few folks from Gaza to pony up some cash like they did in 2008.


It’s no secret that the above mentioned people are bought and paid for by big business lobbyists.

Old Trooper

Yeah, Joe, and I suppose all the liberal democrats are grassroots organized; right?

Give me a break, Joe, you’re bias is glowing.