If We Can’t Use Dogs, Can We Use PETA Members to Sniff Out IEDs?

| September 15, 2010

I was reading this article about the dog handlers from my old unit (2nd Battalion, 1st Marines) and what they are doing to get ready to go to Afghanistan. One of the Marines interviewed at the end of the video in the article was in my squad for the last half of our Iraq deployment (and is an all-around good Marine). Good breakdown of what dogs do for our grunts in Afghanistan.

However, I saw this little gem at the end of the article:

The program, which first began in 2007, is being opposed by animal rights group PETA, 10News learned.

In a statement sent to 10News, the organization said: “No animal should be used in situations considered too dangerous for a human being, as those situations, obviously, too dangerous for the animal as well.”

First of all, anyone who has deployed with these dogs can tell you they are treated extremely well and their handlers don’t knowingly put them into situations that would result in their deaths or serious injury. They are trained to sniff out IEDs before they are set off and because of their lightweight and smaller size they are less likely to set off land-mines or pressure plates. Bottom line is these dogs save lives and are not simply being sent into battle to blow themselves up so a human doesn’t have to. But if PETA had their way, this life-saving tool would be removed from the battlefield. So I purpose this solution: If PETA doesn’t want us to use dogs to sniff out IEDs, then they should do a one-for-one swap of dogs for PETA members so the Marine Corps/Army/Navy/Air Force can train (or attempt to train) them to sniff out bombs and IEDs.

Its a win-win for everybody involved in my opinion.

Category: Liberals suck

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PETA can go take a flying leap. They constantly get underfoot with legitimate animal husbandry, while never attempting to actually help an animal. They’ll photograph an animal tangled in a fence, but do you think they’d lift a finger to assist the animal? Of course not. They cut fences and release livestock; they’ve been known to maim working animals. A splinter group associated with PETA was behind the release of a bunch of lab animals a few years ago, and the authorities had to go to great lengths to get those animals back, some of which carried dangerous diseases.

War dogs are a valuable and NOBLE part of our military tradition. They save lives and property. MY only caveat would be to see that these dogs are treated honorably after they have served, and are not unnecessarily destroyed; to the best of my knowledge, that is already being done.


When Ingrid Newkirk and her little devotees manage to euthanize less animals than they find homes for then they can talk.


PETA=People Eating Tasty Animals.

I propose some of their board members volunteer their services in locating landmines/IEDs/HE caches.

Having seen photographs of some of the humanoid females associated with the organization, (and with their “sister” affiliate, ALF) dawg collars would be suitable fashion accessories.

And no, I don’t mean the brainless models and starlets who pose semi-buck nekkid in PETA’s poster campaigns…I mean the harpies who serve as PETA senior leadership and management.

Beautiful, dumb, naive and left wing is not analogous to devious, butt-ugly and a domestic terrorist.


Can we keep the dogs and still send PETA to denoate IED’s?


I didn’t realize that PETA had “evolved” so much from their initial purpose. Gimme a break. I remember protests about fur coats, but this…
A dog… man’s best friend. A well-trained dog… could save his life.
Up here in a little town, a police dog gave pursuit most likely through underbrush and whatnot, with his RCMP handler close behind. The dog received multiple stab wounds doing what he was trained to do, attempting to bring down the assailant, and protecting his RCMP handler. The dog died from his wounds, and in the middle of that town, there is a memorial wood-carving in his likeness, with a plaque describing his sacrifice.
Sometimes I think I’d just as soon have a well-trained dog by my side than some of the human choices out there.

Southern Class

My significant other is a 110 pound Great Pyrenees girl. I treat her better than I treat myself, and yet, some asshole-oops, that’s profane, some anal orifice, claiming PETA membership criticized the way I transport her.
If PETA had a clue, it would die of lonliness.
Gary at #4 has it right, but would we dare trust them?


If PETA doesn’t want us to use dogs to sniff out IEDs, then they should do a one-for-one swap of dogs for PETA members so the Marine Corps/Army/Navy/Air Force can train (or attempt to train) them to sniff out bombs and IEDs.

I suspect the dogs are smarter and easier to train than any PETA members.

Better hygiene to boot.


“justplainjason Says:

September 15th, 2010 at 2:16 pm

When Ingrid Newkirk and her little devotees manage to euthanize less animals than they find homes for then they can talk.”


How about when they start placing animals in homes AT ALL.


Right, because they don’t use dogs in other occupations such as law enforcement (rolling eyes). Or did those loonies already cover that.

These dogs are indeed treated very well, the bonds the dogs form with their military handlers is very special and very tight, almost like a family member. And the handler is as much in danger from being killed or maimed as is the dog, they’re not recklessly putting the dogs in danger.

Michael in MI

“How about when they start placing animals in homes AT ALL.”
Isn’t PETA or ALF against people owning animals as pets? I know I read an article or watched a video of one of their leaders saying they would rather an animal be dead than be owned as a pet.

Here it is: “We want total animal liberation”.

Part 2 (Including Ted Nugent bitch-slapping PETA)
Part 3

Ingrid Newkirk, founder of PETA: “Animals are today’s slaves. … Our goal is total animal liberation. And the day when everyone believes that animals are not ours to eat, not ours to wear, not ours to experiment and not ours for entertainment or any other exploitive purpose.”

PETA also compares treatment of animals to the Holocaust, “The Holocaust on Your Plate”. And they oppose guide dogs for the blind.

I like this proposed acronym for PETA: “People for Extortion, Terror & Abuse”

Michael in MI

Watch towards the end of Part II where they show that PETA donated money to Rodney Coronado, who firebombed places in the name of “animal rights”. Coronado also taught college kids how to make bombs.

And PETA supports this. In my opinion, PETA is nothing but a domestic terrorist organization. And the Hollywood tools who support PETA are supporting terrorism, plain and simple.

Michael in MI

Part III tells about Peter Eurofski (sp?) who’s on the payroll of PETA and teaches children in grammar schools about terrorism in the name of “animal rights”.

Michael in MI

Part III also talks about Mary Beth Sweetland, who’s part of the leadership of PETA and takes insulin for her diabetes. The insulin comes from medical testing on dogs.

So she is part of a group which supports the firebombing of animal testing labs, yet she is still living because of the medicine that comes from the testing on those animals.


And they always fail to mention that they euthanize healthy animals by the thousands annually.

Such concern for animal welfare, as evidenced here:


Wait… animal’s aren’t to eat? Or be our companions? Or save lives? They are supposed to run free, in this unnatural environment that has developed over the years scavenging through garbage cans and eating small children? They are supposed to starve, be homeless, unloved, pests that roam the planet with no real purpose? They were placed on earth to waist their talents as seeing eye dogs, disability assistance, IED or Drug dogs? They are NOT man’s (and woman’s) best friend?
I totally missed this memo. I’ll have to think more about this as I eat my venison spaghetti while watching my children play fetch with the labs. Huh…

Southern Class

Not so long ago, (less than a year), I read where one of “them” wants to make a class action lawsuit, for the animals, that says that filming or photographing them is a violation of their right to privacy. Cited was the remote filming of a wild rabbit. Tell me that dipschitt is sane.


Dogs work for their dinner just like people do. They have individual and bred qualities that make them BETTER than people at the jobs they do – and where do they want to be? With their people.

Yeah, we need to send these sphincter violations to the front lines without assistance of any species and let them whine about how hard it is. Maybe they can get Apple to build them an iSniff.

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