When bloggers marry

| September 5, 2010

Seavey Wedding 097

Well, the wedding of the century is over and it went off perfectly. I saw more photographers than at an ANSWER rally, so I figured I’d just better be first with the pictures, So here they are at my Flickr Photostream.

Seavey Wedding 121

So in a couple of minutes we’re headed to downtown Indianapolis to try and drink the place dry.

Category: Bloggers

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Congrats to Mark and Caroline!

Hopefully Indy has plenty of adult beverages on hand for you all.


I’m curious to know how she was convinced to marry some dude with a haircut like that? LOL Congrats to you both.


Foremost, that is an absolutely beautiful dress. She’s simply stunning.

Second, no wedding album is complete without a photo of the groom picking his nose. Score!!

And were you hiding in the trees, or what??


And that was a most righteous sporran the piper was wearing.

Marooned in Marin

Congratulations and much happiness to you both, TSO & Caroline!


Congratulations! Whodathunk that Internet Wife thing would work out so well? 🙂

Toothless Dawg

Congratulations to you both and wishes for a long and fruitful life together. Rah!!!




Congratulations!! Good move on the piper.

Dirty Al the Infidel

Good Luck and God Bless!


Beautiful… Congratulations, Mark & Caroline. Best wishes!!!


Congratulations and best wishes. Long life, love, health and happiness!


Congratulations and good luck!




Congrats. My only advise is this:

Relationships are like gardens. When you first get it all planted it looks great – after that it’s a hell of a lot of work to keep it going, but man is it worth it.


Good luck and God bless to both of you. See ya back here when you get back from the honeymoon.


You are a very lucky man, TSO!!! Best wishes and God Bless!

Cedo Alteram

Hey Mark, Good luck.


Wow…Guess I had a DA attack and didn’t *get* that it was happening *this* fast!

Congratulations, and I truly wish you the best!
Aside from the graffiti on the car being priceless, the Bride steals the show!

Ringo the Gringo

A bit of marriage advice for TSO that was given to me when I got married 16 years ago, and having heeded it, I can say that it is sound advice: if (or should I say when) you get into an argument with your wife, let her win. Unless the subject is of life and death importance, and you are absolutely sure that you are correct, then just let her win. If it turns out that you were right after all, she’ll know it eventually. If it turns out that you were wrong, then you were right to let her win the fight, and she’ll know that too.

That’s my advice, take it or leave it.

Congratulations to both of you!

Bubblehead Ray

Congrats guys. TSO, what can I say? I just wonder if you presented your new bride a booger board and bragged “I picked them myself”. LOL Caro, that boy done outpunted his coverage. You looked beautiful.

Much Love and happiness to you both.


Man is not complete until he is married. Then he is finished.
Congratulations Caroline and CV.