Pre-wedding jitters

| September 5, 2010

Since you’re not here, these are photos from the night before the wedding.

Blackfive chaperoned the Farm Team;

And The Sniper is not helping;

Thanks to Tankerbabe for the pictures.

Category: Bloggers

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Well, he’s helping if he’s giving TSO pointers…..


Did you apply for permission to use my photos? That’s gonna cost you a scotch. Oh,…..wait……you bought me one. Guess we’re even.

Let the wedding blogging begin early tomorrow. See you then!

Chuck Z

Congratulations on being able to maintain sneaking roofies into her diet for this long.

All our best,

Chuck and Carren


OK, Caption contest on the second picture!


Congratulations to you both 😀


[…] last, but not least, pre-congratulations to TSO at This ain’t Hell for his nuptials […]


Wow, self-administered Triple T’s= desperation.

Poor guy.


Congratulations, and the only caption that fits for that photo is “IF ya want my body, AND ya think I’m sexy…”


Actually, the other FB quote would also be appropriate from Austin Powers:

“Look at me, I’m dead sexy!!!”


That pic of Sniper reminds me of a disgusting YouTube video that Dede Miller recently posted to FB entitled, “Why Women Stay Single”…

The Sniper

Nothing good ever happens when I switch to Irish coffees that early. Noooooothing.


Is that a PURSE you got there on your shoulder???

The Sniper

Aw crap. Yes it friggin’ is. The wife went to the bathroom and… screw it. I’m never getting out of this one.