FISA Bill Passes, Left Implodes

| July 9, 2008

The FISA Bill passed (handily 69-28) with telecom immunity and the Messiah voted for it!

The left side of the blogosphere has officially imploded!

Here is a just a sample.

F*** Reid, F*** Pelosi, F*** Hoyer, F***Rockefeller, and , yes, F*** Obama. F*** ‘em all!

After 2 years, the Dems have given Bush everything he wanted, from a trillion dollars for Iraq, to the destruction of the Constitution. Now Bush walks away. He gets away with murder, war crimes, and treason. Things will be worse under McCain? They won’t, because they already are. If this FISA vote goes through, I am closing my checkbook and resigning from the Democratic Party after 45 years. I had high hopes in 2006, and after Obama’s nomination, but it is now clear that the Democrats are congenital cowards. Nothing is going to change.

Interestingly Hillary voted against it. Hmmm?

Category: Politics

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Jonn Lilyea

They also seem worried that the Congress will cave on domestic drilling, too.


Oh what a tangled web we weave…. Muuuhahahahaha




Someone actually said the dems are Republican lite. OMFG…Or this one…”stick with the dems through the election or you’ll get more of the policies you abhor…” Hell friggin’ hellooooo? They are serious!! Triple strength rose-colored glasses is all it takes to pull the lever D I guess. Um, I really have to go decontaminate myself. Ew!