20% of states seek waivers to disenfranchise military voters

| August 26, 2010

The Move Act was supposed to encourage states to accommodate military voters serving overseas and especially those serving in war zones. But it has become a big excuse to disenfranchise absentee voters. According to Fox News 10 states as well as the District of Columbia and the US Virgin islands have requested waivers to avoid compliance with the Act.

In Delaware, for example, primary day, Sept. 14, 47 days before Election Day, leaving not enough time for officials in Washington to certify a winner, print ballots and ship them to Mazar-I-Sharif fast enough to comply with the new law.

So, pretty much States just decided that military voters aren’t worth the trouble of accommodating. It’s easier to get a waiver than to uphold someone’s right to a voice in government? Some people’s civil rights are more important than others, I suppose. maybe the Pentagon should do what Lincoln did in the 1864 election – send the troops home to vote. If I remember right, it was all of the Ohio Volunteers who were sent from the front.

Category: Military issues

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ABSURD. there should be NO WAIVERS. there is no legitimate reason to deny service members (read right-leaning) voters their opportunity to VOTE.

Old Tanker

I wish they would say which states…


It was obvious democrats don’t want certain people to vote and the military is among them. However they do want convicted criminals to vote along with illegal immigrants.

It is not the troops who need to be sent home to vote, its the socialist politicians and their sleezy helpers that need to be sent home.


But of course they never considered the option of having their primaries earlier, like in May. Its easier to disenfranchise the military rather than make adjustments for accommodating them.

Okay, democrat politicians. What happened to counting every vote?


From an article dated August 4th:


The states are: Hawaii; New York; Delaware; Virgin Islands; Alaska; Washington; Maryland; Washington, D.C., Massachusetts; Wisconsin; Rhode Island and New Hampshire.

A Colorado secretary of state spokesman said Colorado also will be filing a waiver application by the end of the day.

All but one of them ‘Rat states. I’ve already called up the SecState office in New Hampshire and given them an earful.


I wonder how they’d react if the Reservists turned around and requested a waiver from serving on homeland missions.


All that needs to be done is to pass a low that says that the elections can’t be finalized until ALL votes are in. No state would want to be blamed for slowing the count, so they would make sure the absentee ballots got out early enough.


Left/liberal freedom: f*ck soldiers!


Oddly, the MSM doesn’t seem to be covering this story. I wonder why…