Timetable encouraging Taliban?

| August 25, 2010

Our military leaders speculate in public whether or not the timetable withdrawal from Afghanistan give “sustenance” to the Taliban, like Marine General James Conway in this BBC report.

Meanwhile reports are coming out of Afghanistan this morning that 40 (MSNBC‘s Number) and 59 (CNN‘s number) schoolgirls and their teachers were the target of some sort of noxious gas this morning in Afghanistan;

Ultra-conservative elements in Afghan society oppose female education and have a history of setting fire to girls’ schools, threatening teachers and attacking students. Some even earn money for doing so. Although these extremists aim to terrify girls back into isolation and ignorance, many young women refuse be intimidated.

In 2001, only 1 million Afghans were enrolled in school, all of them boys, The New York Times reported. Today, approximately 7 million Afghan children attend school, of which 2.6 million are girls. However, schools for girls still remain closed in Taliban strongholds, particularly in southern and eastern Afghanistan.

Attacks like this one are on the rise because it’s easier to terrorize schoolchildren than it is to terrorize US military forces and the timetable withdrawal is tantalizingly close.

Category: Terror War

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Old Tanker

Maybe you ought to e-mail this to that Charlotte Sheasby-Coleman twit and see if she can go reason with them, you know, have a peaceful dialogue…


When we were there, they found a school that was meant for girls being build, where the walls were lierally packed with UXO, just waiting for the thing to be populated….yep, these are people we can deal with peacefully for sure.


As much as I’d love to see that, OT, it wouldn’t happen. Charlotte would just accuse us of gassing those kids…