More UtH propaganda

| August 25, 2010

More video of the Fort Hood protest.

I hate to keep bring these ‘tards up, but ya know it’s my job….

I guess the funniest part is towards the end when Matthis keeps loving the bullhorn and the buses are miles away. “Die for your government”. And the video editor has to slo-mo the protesters blocking the buses to stretch it out to three seconds.

Yeah, I see dogs, but still no automatic weapons.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War

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Southern Class

Aaaaah, the morning Funnies. Thank you, Jonn. But I will settle for Y’alls take on the video. I just don’t care to watch 9 minutes and 56 seconds of a non-event put on by terribly insignificant people. People?, well I have to define them as something.
“What’s that sign say” “Your family needs you here”? How about if the families feel safer knowing that not all of America is as pussified as the sissies of IVAW? How about if the families are proud as hell that their person is guttier than the Bobby Whittenbergs of the world.


Comment posted beneath Emma’s latest delusional blog post on Salon Reposted for posterity before she deletes it like the last time I illustrated her crew’s lunacy: The self-delusion continues, and people whose perception of the military comes from a minute group of agenda-driven self-appointed “radicals” continue to pontificate with ambiguity on matters with which they have never attempted to genuinely engage an opposing view. Even my passionately anti-war friends, a number of veterans among them, have been beaten back and thoroughly disgusted by the nonsensical rantings of this slovenly bunch when they committed the egregious sin of injecting a moderate view into a “radical” stream of thought, or questioning premises based wholly on errant conventional wisdom. In this way the “radicals” remain their own worst enemy, an irrelevant few unwilling to acknowledge the gaping logical flaws and readily apparent hypocrisy in their message and tactics. Crystal Colon wants soldiers to feel supported, but stands by while Matthis screams that they will stand against the soldiers and that they “will die for [their] country like shit.” Bobby beats a stick on the floor, guzzles energy drink, and paces around while whipping himself into a frenzied state and declaring, for probably the 50th time, that he’s ready to “start the f***ing revolution!” If every new “direct action” is the one that is supposed to “start the revolution” when does the revolution ever actually start? Claims of “automatic weapons” and “beating activists out of the street” are plainly contradicted by the “activists'” own video footage, which included the police cordially recommending procedures that the activists might take to remain safe, and interfering only minimally with this “protest.” Nary a scratch suffered by the collected quixotic bunch, much to the dismay of those who harbor a secret desire to be arrested and add “political prisoner” to their activist resume by completing a jail sentence measured in hours. Group photo ops replete with the usual cliche activist accessories and defiant stares were quickly uploaded to facebook so that the like-minded might get in on the ego stroking without having to actually do anything themselves save… Read more »


Wow. I am more retarded for that.

Old Trooper

I can’t even comment on this anymore. My IQ dropped 10 points just watching it.

Robert Chiroux

Okay a couple of observations. I believe the police just walked away during most of the screaming rhetoric leaving the journalists (?) as the only audience. I noticed the police dog was enjoying it all. I don’t believe my son fought along side any soldier, anywhere, although he seems to be claiming he did. I see signs supporting the soldier but not the war but their rhetoric is very anti-soldier. I think the rant against the police is uncalled for, they handled the children very humanely. Most of though I just can’t get over that “attack dog” wagging his tail. For me that said it all. Oh well, Bless their Hearts.


Scott…holy smokes, man…if only they only had the stones to keep that post up. Good on ya, mate.


LMAO! That was funny and pathetic. What a bunch of misfits.


TSO and Old Trooper, you’ve said it all about that video.


Damn, their video was longer than the whole protest. (The chick with the pink hair tis still kinda cute, though.)

B Woodman

I know a way or two to make Under the Hood truly — under the hood.
1-Bury them in a ghetto.
2-Render their lard asses into biodiesel. Pour into truck fuel tanks. Start engine.


You know, B Woodman, I think that’s what the Boers did to many of the kaffirs during the era of apartheid in South Africa.


As I predicted, Emma deleted my post again. I guess it must have been effective. 🙂


You see when they mean freedom of speech it only means for them. Why do you think they like socialism so much?


Meh; it’s not really a free speech issue. It’s her blog, she can delete whatever comments she wants to. But it DOES speak substantially to her insecurity about the points I made that her only response is to cover them up so that no one else might find out. I’ll continue to scream it from highest peak though, for as long as WCW is still clinging to shreds of delusional relevance: They are liars, fools, and above all, hypocrites.

“The point is there is nothing wrong with my son”
-Elaine Brower, World Can’t Wait “Steering Committee” member, May 17, 2010

“My son served 3 combat tours as a US Marine [and is] broken in a way that no one understands.”
-Elaine Brower, June 7, 2010

Old Tanker


No fair….you can’t actually quote them and stuff…that’s playing dirty!