Code Pink and Al Sharpton team up

| August 25, 2010

Because they’re so fond of my work, Code Pink has sent me an email to advertise their intentions this weekend;

Aug. 28 marks the 47th anniversary of the historic March on Washington and Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” speech. Fox TV’s conservative political commentator Glenn Beck will be holding a rally at the Lincoln Memorial. Join us at Dunbar High School (1301 New Jersey Avenue Northwest, Washington, DC) as we counter Glenn Beck’s rally by joining Reclaim the Dream, organized by Rev. Al Sharpton and other civil rights leaders. Look for the pink umbrellas to find us!

Well, if they consider Al Sharpton a “civil rights leader”, I’m curious who they consider in that “other” group. I guess the New Black Panther Party plans on being there, too, so I guess the only people from the Left who are going are the anti-MLK bunch.

I know some of you are going, so I hope you’ll email us some pictures we can use.

Category: Code Pink, General Whackos, Liberals suck

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Marooned in Marin

I’m planning to be at Glenn Beck’s rally on 8/28 and will have my camera/Flip there.


Ya know why can’t they just give it a rest? They are like roaches. Who pays for all those pink umbrellas?