Swedes: Assange to be arrested

| August 21, 2010

If the Swedish media and the Google translator is to be believed, Julian Assange, the Wikileaks terrorist is being sought in Stockholm on the charge of rape;

The article roughly translated;

Is there probable cause the case? – Yes.
About an hour earlier in the evening, the prosecutor had received information from the Stockholm police on rape complaint against Julian Assange.
– I do not know the time of notification. I learned of it here this evening and asked him now in the evening, “said Maria Häljebo Kjell Beach.
According to Expressen crimes allegations arose after two women aged between 20 and 30 visited the police.

One woman he should have met last week between Saturday and Sunday in an apartment in Stockholm.
Other woman will he have met in Enköping on Tuesday morning, according to Expressen.
A source with insider tells how he met the women:
– He met the victims through their assignments.

The prosecutor would at this stage only confirm the suspicion of rape, but would not provide more details:

Thanks to Tman for the link.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Usual Suspects

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Not that I keep track of such things, but I always thought he was gay. Who knew?

Anyway, here’s a slightly more coherent report from an english language Swedish news site:


Don’t get your hopes up. Sweden seems to be notorious for not treating rape very seriously. It is apparently not often prosecuted.

Old Tanker

I was waiting for the victim to be a 13 year old boy…but on a serious note, how come these chics didn’t just kick his ass? Couldn’t be that hard…

Old Tanker

… And cue the conspiracy theorists…


Shot while trying to escape? Not that I’d lose any sleep over it, mind you…


[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by dana l dillon, A Proud Veteran. A Proud Veteran said: Swedes: Assange to be arrested http://bit.ly/dCXnlW Via This Ain't Hell […]

Old Tanker

… And cue the conspiracy theorists…

He’s already started, with many more entertaining ones to follow!


Rape is a serious charge. This being said, he will deny it and scores will come forth to decry the charges as a conspiracy theory.
I really wish he’d just be arrested for espionage, for global treason and for being the scumball that he his.

AW1 Tim

Maybe these are just holding charges until proper ones can be arranged and drawn up?

But, yeah… Assange has the creep-meter pegged to 11. I also thought he was a homo, so this is sort of surprising.


Update from the BBC:

“Swedish authorities have cancelled an arrest warrant for Wikileaks founder Julian Assange on accusations of rape and molestation.”


Old Tanker

Looks like a few of us need to have teh gheydar recalibrated…


Has to be False

Assange and 2 FEMALES? thats like saying Liberace raped Racquel Welch



Just wish they would quit dilly dallying w/this guy and shut him down.

Future Marine

To be fair, if they actually tried to arrest him he’d release the rest of the docs.
That, and I’m pretty sure he’d need equipment he lacks to rape.
