Ground Zero Mosque Supporters Want Bush To Save Them (And Obama)

| August 18, 2010

From the Washington Examiner:

There’s a new argument emerging among supporters of the Ground Zero mosque. Distressed by President Obama’s waffling on the issue, they’re calling on former President George W. Bush to announce his support for the project, because in this case Bush understands better than Obama the connection between the war on terror and the larger question of America’s relationship with Islam.

So let me get this straight. From pretty much the beginning of combat operations in Afghanistan in October 2001 to his last day in office, George W. Bush was accused of violating the rights of Muslims around the world, was accused of trashing America’s image in the Muslim world, and of course torturing thousands of Muslims in Iraq, Afghanistan, and GITMO. Now, some of the same people who routinely attacked Bush during his administration for his handling of relations with the Muslim world want him to come out and support the Ground Zero Mosque and save President Obama.

Maureen Dowd professional Bush-basher:

“It’s time for W. to weigh in,” writes the New York Times’ Maureen Dowd. Bush, Dowd explains, understands that “you can’t have an effective war against the terrorists if it is a war on Islam.” Dowd finds it “odd” that Obama seems less sure on that matter. But to set things back on the right course, she says, “W. needs to get his bullhorn back out” — a reference to Bush’s famous “the people who knocked these buildings down will hear all of us soon!” speech at Ground Zero on September 14, 2001.

Wow. How the world has turned upside down.

By the way, if I were GWB, I would have three words for these people: Go Fuck Yourself.

Category: Liberals suck, Terror War

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Bush declined. Thank God this was only an op-ed. I would have croaked if it had been real.


The Victory Mosque is just the visible tip of a very large iceberg. Beneath the surface of Western societies, Muslims are waging a campaign of infiltration, subversion, sedition and social sabotage, with the objective of destroying our countries and way of life from within.


Operator…I’m with you. I doubt Bush would ever use those words because even if he sucked at speaking, the man I would have been proud to call my Commander in Chief is a class act. No ifs, ands, or buts. I didn’t agree a 100%, but a class act for sure.

Ms Dowd OTOH,with her BDS should just STFU. Always a double standard for the left, it seems.


We should just be glad they are not building a ******** mosque on the remains of the White House.

Oh..and Howard YAHAAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHH!!!! Dean says they should move it somewhere else.


[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by dana l dillon, A Proud Veteran. A Proud Veteran said: Ground Zero Mosque Supporters Want Bush To Save Them (And Obama) Via This Ain't Hell […]


I voted twice for him and twice for his dad.
43 and I share a birthday.

I’d prefer he say nothing at all.

But if he DOES weigh in and goes one word beyond: “anyone with a brain knows this is not an issue of whether or not the mosque CAN be built wherever the law allows law allows them to do this, but I’d like to see it built somewhere else besides GZ”, there will be wigs all over the green before you can say “MF said WHAT?”


Wow… I think less and less of TAH with each of these posts. It’s one thing to blindly support a war policy that gets thousands of soldiers killed – but then to denounce a place of worship (implying Muslims are either terrorists or secretly support it) is a clear sign of hateful ignorance. It’s things like this that give conservatives and service members a bad name.


yup. I am an ig’nort dumbass who’s fought and bled for the last ten years and so my obvious response to you is: Go fuck yourself.


Dear Paul,

Nobody is forcing you to stay. So why don’t you play a nice little game of “hide-and-go-fuck-yourself”?


Even some truly moderate Muslims have come out against this Mosque being built there. At one time Dowd made reference to the fact that 9/11 families were sacred and should be listened too. Guess Obama is even more sacred to her.

Mike W

This is what happens when owebowma is allowed to speak w/o TOTUS. He puts his head, shoulders and waist so far up his rear that he cant pull it out and it has happened so many times that now they need help from someone TOTUS bashes at every turn.


Paul—-The point of the blog was that the left has slammed Bush without coming up for air for nearly 10 years. And NOW, Dowd is saying that Bush could get this thing fixed…. I’m sorry– either he’s too stupid to come in out or the rain or HE ISN’T. You can’t waffle from one to the OTHER.

Dan- good post.

A Balrog of Morgoth


Bag of dicks, You.

Some assembly required.

Old Trooper

Paul, and any other dumbass from the left: It isn’t a matter of having the “right” to build it there, but other factors such as sensitivity towards your non-muslim neighbors, for one. I here how there needs to be sensitivity towards muslims during Ramadan, EID, etc. and that we need to respect their religion, blah, blah, blah. Now, here’s the same peeps blubbering about letting them build this right there, without admonishing them on being respectful and sensitive towards non-muslims. The real controversy is why is this mosque being fast tracked when the Greek Orthodox Church has been waiting 9 years for permission to RE-BUILD their church that was destroyed during the attacks? That’s right, they want to re-build a structure that was there on 9/10, not a new place, yet they have been haggling with the city for 9 years.

I guess some religions are more equal than others; eh Paul?


Get off your high horse, please. If TAH disappoints you…LEAVE!!

Think Mecca and whether would we be allowed to build a Catholic Church, Protestant Church within any distance there because they are sooo tolerant? It has nothing to do with Religious tolerance.

Got that? Since 9/11 The Muslim Religion has been shoved down our throats and yet they killed our people! Wake the fuck up.
This is about the Muslim religion wanting to make a mockery of our Country and nothing more.

Are you gone yet? Don’t let the TAH door hit you, mmmkay?


I’ve been following this ‘Bush can fix it’ bit of psyops for a coupla days now.

I see it as a backhanded way of BLAMING Bush. A diversion really… and not even a new sort.

Old Tanker


Pay attention please, no one denounced a place of worship, just where they want to place it. No one doubts they have the right, just whether it is right. I have also heard other Muslims that don’t like this idea. Their opinion is the same as most, how do you reach out to other people by pissing them all off? Now, maybe you should ask why a Greek Orthodox church that was destroyed in the attack can’t get a permit to rebuild on the spot they were in BEFORE the attacks….


Ah, I think I understand now.

Paul, how long have you been a convert?


Old Tanker: I’m not denying the hypocrisy or even the horribleness of the NYC gov’t denying the Greek Orthodoxy their right to rebuild. And yes, I’m sure most Muslims don’t wish to piss people off. The opposition to the mosque being built, however, is completely insensitive not only to the countless Muslims who have been victims of terrorism, but also to the Muslims in the military who would likely enjoy a pretty new mosque just like you or I may enjoy a pretty new cathedral. If this were a protest of a Christian church because a radical Christian happened to be the terrorist, you’d see a lot of opinions flip.


“If this were a protest of a Christian church because a radical Christian happened to be the terrorist, you’d see a lot of opinions flip.”



March 18, 2009 Bush says Obama ‘deserves my silence’.

I guess Barry will just have to man up…. or get Maureen to do it for him, as usual.