Vet Today’s Maidhc Ó Cathail; I see Mossad people

| August 18, 2010

TSO sent us a link to an article written by Maidhc Ó Cathail on Veterans Today, the cave where the most paranoid people on the internet write to each other under the guise of a veterans’ information exchange. Maidhc Ó Cathail (don’t ask me which is his family name) claims that Mossad is keeping the bin Laden myth alive (he was killed in December 2001, see);

According to U.S. and British intelligence officials, al-Qaeda’s media wing, As-Sahab Foundation for Islamic Media Publication, has been run since 2001 by Adam Gadahn, a California-born convert to radical Islam who now goes by the name Azzam al-Amriki.

Gadahn found his way to the Islamic Society of Orange County while living with his grandfather, Carl Pearlman, a board member of the Anti-Defamation League. Ostensibly a civil rights organization set up to fight anti-Semitism, the ADL is “little more than a de facto adjunct of the Israeli government” which has even been caught spying on American critics of Israel.

Adam’s parents changed their surnames to Gadahn in the mid-1970s. The name refers to the Biblical warrior Gideon who, with the aid of trumpets and clay jars, defeated Israel’s enemies.

As editor Justin Raimondo put it, Adam Gadahn is “an awfully odd figure, whose sudden evolution from a nice Jewish boy into Osama bin Laden’s Goebbels is just a little hard to take.”

So, you see, the Anti-Defamation League planted plump little Jewish teen Adam Pearlman cum Gadhan iin al Qaeda with the help of the Mossad and his job is to keep the US engaged with al Qaeda by keeping the illusion of Osama bin Laden alive even if he isn’t.

Veterans Today is fond of pointing at the tiny Mossad organization and blamed them of everything from the bombings in Moscow to piracy off the coast of Somalia. And that time you got that rash at the beach? Mossad. That five pounds that you can’t lose for the life of you? Mossad. That tiny nail on your little toe that you can’t clip straight? Mossad.

Maidhc Ó Cathail conludes;

But with the hunt for the elusive bin Laden having already cost thousands of lives and trillions of dollars, perhaps Americans should demand conclusive proof that Israel hasn’t conned them into fighting a phoney “war on terror.”

Maybe we should instead demand proof that Maidhc Ó Cathail hasn’t masturbated himself into a state of imbecility.

Category: General Whackos

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wait a minute, doesn’t this mean Obama was born in MOSSAD and NOT in Hawaii!!!

AW1 Tim


“Maybe we should instead demand proof that Maidhc Ó Cathail hasn’t masturbated himself into a state of imbecility. ”

Well, first off, he’d have to have a dick to do that. I think that he and the other dickless smegmaites are just batshit crazy. They’ve gone through the Sheehan stage to the Mathis stage, and finally to the dickless “Veterans Today” stage.


hasn’t masturbated himself into a state of imbecility.

Wait, you can do that?

Crap. I’m in big trouble.