Kerry; McCain inept

| July 7, 2008


The biggest doofus the Democrats ever nominated for President, John (lied while good men died in two wars) Kerry (who hasn’t signed his Form 180 yet) thinks we still respect his opinion (MSNBC link);

“John McCain … has proven that he has been wrong about every judgment he’s made about the war. Wrong about the Iraqis paying for the reconstruction, wrong about whether or not the oil would pay for it, wrong about Sunni and Shia violence through the years, wrong about the willingness of the Iraqis to stand up for themselves,” Kerry, who supports Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama, said on CBS’ “Face the Nation.”

“If you like the Bush tax cut and what it’s done to our economy, making wealthier people wealthier and the average middle class struggle harder, then John McCain is going to give you a third term of George Bush and Karl Rove,” the Massachusetts senator added, echoing an Obama campaign talking point.

Kerry later said the McCain of 2008 isn’t the McCain he courted in 2004.

Um, the success in Iraq proves that Kerry has been wrong about the war all along (after he was right about it). Kerry misjudged the majority of Americans’ opinion about the war from the beginning. Despite his personal campaign to lose the war in Iraq and denigrate the troops, he’s been proven a sap.


John McCain was a lone Republican voice against the people who told the truth about Kerry’s service. Not that I particularly agree with McCain on this, John Kerry should show his appreciation – not something John Kerry is known for.


Kerry stabbed the Vietnam War troops and veterans in the back, why not John McCain, too. John Kerry doesn’t have any respect for anyone except his-damn-self. Nice salute, by the way. Even an Air Force recruit could salute better on his first day of basic Training.

John McCain was wrong about the tax cuts before he was right about them – you should be able to understand, Kerry. At least when he’s wrong he admits it. The tax cuts got us through a difficult period, but not where Kerry is most concerned – taking Americans’ money from them to fund his idiot programs.

I noticed Kerry used the “that’s not the John McCain I knew” line of the Obama campaign when backing away from a supporter. I get the distinct feeling that we’ll all be saying “That’s not the Barack Obama I knew” about 100 days into his presidency.

MSNBC notes;

Not too long ago, Kerry might have described McCain, a fellow Vietnam veteran and former prisoner of war, as a bipartisan ally who could provide guidance on national security issues.

Who is surprised? Kerry is still flip-flopping.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, John McCain/Sarah Palin, Phony soldiers, Politics

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