Voting Rights and the DoJ

| July 29, 2010

Yesterday. jerry920 sent me this link to a Fox News article about the Holder Justice Department deciding that they’ll provide legal assistance to states who want to prevent servicemembers overseas from voting in their elections;

Rebecca Wertz, deputy chief of the DOJ’s voting section, told state election officials that the legislative language regarding waivers is not completely clear. Wertz described the provisions of the law as “fairly general” and “somewhat of an open question as to what type of information” a state needs to submit in order to for their waiver application to be granted. She said it was also unclear whether waivers are for one election only, or if they apply to future elections.

According to the meeting’s minutes, obtained by, Wertz also said “that the DOJ is working to find effective ways to disseminate any information guidance that can help states with different questions about MOVE interpretation. She invited questions and dialogue from states, and said that litigation is always the last resort.”

This morning, MEW sent us a link to a Washington Times editorial on the same subject;

Obama Justice Department outrages never cease. The politically charged gang led by Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. is more interested in helping felons vote than in helping the military to vote. Sen. John Cornyn, Texas Republican, has put a legislative hold on the already troubled nomination of James M. Cole to be deputy attorney general until the attorney general ensures full protection for voting rights of our military (and associated civilian personnel) stationed abroad. The senator is right to raise a ruckus.

it’s funny how a bunch of Black Panthers get more support from this Justice Department than people who are actually serving the country. I wonder why that is.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Support the troops

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No, you don’t, Jonn. Neither do the rest of us with functioning minds.


I have an idea, but I am sure I’ll be called racist for it.


Dutch: I think it would be more political than racist. The military tends to be more conservative, demographically. To deny them voting privileges would be to cut the conservative vote.

AW1 Tim

Except that that Crapweasel Holder is a race-baiting coward who hides behind the power of his office to cast aspersions on the good people of this country. He’s a punk-ass bully and hopefully Karma will catch up with him once he’s out of office.


AW1, I don’t like Holder, either. With a little luck, maybe Karma will run over his dogma…

I wish I could take credit for that, but it comes from a bumpersticker… : )