
| July 29, 2010

Do you need proof that IVAW is chocked full of poseurs and fakers? No better example exists than Jeremy Stainthorp Berggren (WTF kind of name is Stainthorp anyway? What kind of pretentious set of parents would saddle their spawn with that moniker?) But, anyway, I wrote about the doofus back in March when he told us that you don’t have to deploy to suffer from PTSD because he got PTSD from his dreams while his unit was deployed to Iraq and he stayed in the States.

I will not get too much into the guilt and shame that goes through a marine’s, or probably any servicemember’s, heart and head in a situation like this, but it is at a disturbing level to be stuck stateside while your friends, your peers, and unit are gone. Throughout my unit’s deployment I had a difficult time sleeping, had nightmares about what they were doing, but this made me feel more alienated so I never talked about it and just bid my time and got out as soon as my contract allowed me to.

The Veterans Affairs Department defines PTSD like his;

Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is an anxiety disorder that can occur after you have been through a traumatic event. A traumatic event is something horrible and scary that you see or that happens to you. During this type of event, you think that your life or others’ lives are in danger. You may feel afraid or feel that you have no control over what is happening.

The DVA website goes on to give examples of what might cause PTSD;

* Combat or military exposure
* Child sexual or physical abuse
* Terrorist attacks
* Sexual or physical assault
* Serious accidents, such as a car wreck.
* Natural disasters, such as a fire, tornado, hurricane, flood, or earthquake.

So you actually have to be present at an event in order to suffer from PTSD. Not like Matthis who claims he heard horrible stories, or Stained-drawers who had bad dreams.

Well, I mention it today because Stained-drawers has what could be loosely described as a poem at the IVAW website about how tough his life is because of his PTSD ( Now, I’m no medical expert but HEY, FUCKWAD, YOU DON’T HAVE PTSD! Nothing degrades the treatment of REAL PTSD victims like all of these half-witted pretenders.

To me this new type of Stolen Valor is worse than wearing medals they didn’t earn, or calling themselves Iraq veterans when they haven’t deployed out of NY State. There ought to be a specialist at every DVA facility whose only job is to throat-punch these peawits. Hell, i’d do it on a volunteer basis.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Veteran Health Care

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If he claims to have PTSD from NOT deploying, then deploying should relieve his symptoms, shouldn’t it? Maybe he should re-up, and go help out in Afghanistan.


Hey, for all we know Berggren might well have PTSD. It in no way came from the Marines, but you can’t cash in on civilian PTSD, and you don’t get to play the role of hero-victim, forced to solemnly carry the unbearable weight of good intentions exploited for evil purposes by the big bad government.

And you definitely don’t get to write emo poetry about what things are like “After we come home” when you NEVER FUCKING LEFT CONUS.

A man from my former platoon died in Afghanistan twelve days ago. It was his 5th combat tour in his second branch of the service. A total of more than 3 years spent at war in a life cut short, a young son left behind each time he deployed, and he kept going back and serving faithfully. And Berggren sits at home, having never set foot in even the grand comforts of Camp Victory Kuwait and pretends that the military caused HIM strife?

Fuck this asshole.

Casey J Porter

You people are such bigoted assholes! Clearly this young man is suffering and you just mock him without a moments hesitation! The greed and murdering deeds of the capitalist United States has all given those with moral insight PTSD. You would know this if you weren’t a raving pack of racist war mongers! This corrupt empire as filled him with… filled him with…


The only thing jack-off is filled with is his own bullshit. Yet another reason why IVAW doesn’t just not help Vets, but flat out disrespects them with shit like this.


PN is so right…


#3 Casey:
Honest to God, you had me going there for a minute…

Old Tanker

I had a dream once that I was in a Smurf cartoon and Gargamel was chasing Smurfette, only this time, he actually caught her and began ripping her little blue arms off her little blue body. Then I woke up in a cold sweat….do I have PTSD now?

This dude needs a swift kick to the mangina…


Jonn, I called a jerk-off terrorist a coward in a “sensitive” briefing and was later notified by the DHS a lesser cleric somewhere in Iran had called for my death. Can I claim PTSD and get benefits from the DVA since it was a military briefing?

If not, can I still volunteer for throat-punch duties or do you have to have worn a uniform for that?


Actually the above was me – I think the other half put his name in the slot but did not sign in. Oops.


I had a dream that I joined IVAW.

I was rubbing elbows with every asshole and loser known to man. I woke up in a cold sweat. I can’t stop thinking about this dream. It haunts me.

Do you think I could get a PTSD-related disability pension? I think that would really help. I mean, I might stop having flashbacks if someone would cut me a check every month.

Kevin Powers

I joined the Army in 1971 and retired in 1992. I was never deployed to a combat zone, (except for 30 days on the Korean DMZ in 1977), and never heard a shot fired in anger. I had tremendous feelings of guilt for not having served in Viet Nam as so many of my brethren. But to claim that I somehow was hurt psychologically because of it? That would be insulting to the memory of last one of them. How does this fool live with himself?


Honestly, does this guy need so much to be accepted and feel like part of a group that he has to convince himself that he actually got PTSD for not experiencing a traumatic event?!?! I mean, come on, it should be good enough to have at least served, even if it didn’t involve deployment. This really is similar mentality to stolen valor cases… Saying that, I think I can safely speak for all of us who saw bullets, bombs, blood, bad guys, and baskin Robbins (all three flavors on a few FOBs :)… and say Piss off, poser.

Virtual Insanity

“That’s why yellow makes me sad, I think….”



I am sorry about your loss Scott.

Dårlige Nyheder Bjørne

Wow! I had never bothered to read any of the drivel on the IVAW website, but this is a bunch of bullshit. To say that you are psychologically affected by not deploying? I mean, I can understand that you may feel remorse or guilt, etc, but to compare that to the men and women who actually put their lives in danger and say you have full on PTSD- what an asshole. Somethings else is going on if that’s the case. IVAW is about as worthless as tits on a bull!


Oh, my God, it was horrible… or it coulda been!


[…] sense does it make to take a soldier who is not at 100% to a war? Besides, if we listen to Jeremy Stained-drawers, it’ll hurt them worse to stay […]