Frank wanted his dollar discount

| July 28, 2010

The other day we discussed John Kerry and his tax avoidance. By the way, it looks like public pressure has forced him to pay the taxes he owes on his boat. Today it’s Barney Franks causing a scene enroute to Fire Island over his senior discount on the ferry (did I spell that right?);

Barney Frank caused a scene when he demanded a $1 senior discount on his ferry fare to Fire Island’s popular gay haunt, The Pines, last Friday. Frank was turned down by ticket clerks at the dock in Sayville because he didn’t have the required Suffolk County Senior Citizens ID. A witness reports, “Frank made such a drama over the senior rate that I contemplated offering him the dollar to cool down the situation.”

I just think that’s so silly that he’d cause a scene over a damn dollar. Why? Because it’s his dollar? What about the thousands of my one dollars that get sent to the IRS every year? I’d rather my dollars go to a private business than a government.

Category: Congress sucks

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Socialism isn’t such a great thing when YOU have to pay for it, now is it liberals?

USMC Steve

That is the point exactly. First, he thinks he is special, and he ain’t. Second, that buck was his buck and when he is spending HIS money, he ain’t gonna waste any of it. That the slimy faggot doesn not care a whit about the billions of OUR dollars that he has pissed away on his crap is of no consequence at all to him.


Frank and Dodd are neck deep in the economic problems of this country with their control of Freddy Mac and Fannie Mae. They bought elections by handing out high-risk loans that normally never would have been issued (ACORN anyone). When they crashed, so went the economy. But they won’t be called on it, and the trillions of dollars it has cost this contry and will continue to cost this country are forever gone. This Obliviot has the gall to piss and moan about a dollar?


Barney Frank…riding a ferry…insert joke here…

Old Tanker

So technically, was he “in” the ferry or “on” the ferry….


This is pretty extreme, but it’s not the first time for this kind of behavior. It doesn’t matter if the person is rich or poor; avarice causes the same behavior in almost any situation.

Joe Mama

Cut Barney some slack, they were cutting into his male stripper g-string tipping cash.

Southern Class

Ferry Boat? Barney and Friends have their own navy?

Nearly off topic, but not quite, is the Jawn Carry Yacht tax debacle. While I think he is a sorry and scurrilous bastard, I would give him a pass on this one. The boat is owned by an LLC that is not of Massachussetts, (don’t have any use for the state, and haven’t worried about proper spelling of the name), and is not docked in that state. This is the way many people do their yacht registry. Most of the Sportfishers that I work with are not kept in the owners state of residence, especially if that state is prone to high taxation on such things.
I think that his owners group made a wise decision not to “bed” the boat in taxachusetts. Theresa must have come up with that one, because he is too damned dumb to do his own math.
Barney Frank on a fairy boat, HAH!


What a dimbulb…. or should I say “Fairy Princess”, now that he’s shown himself to be a prima donna on the water?