Alvin Greene; the vets who the Democrats attract

| July 23, 2010

Alvin Greene, that Democrat candidate for the Senate in South Carolina who won the primary by spending no money, without campaigning and without speaking is still charging ahead in his campaign. The Associated Press got a hold of his records finally. Looks like he was on of the ten percenters holding the rest of us up on his evals’; (Charlotte Observer link)

The records, which document his superiors’ decisions to pass over Green for promotion, cite mistakes as severe as improperly uploading sensitive intelligence information to a military server, and as basic as an overall inability to clearly express his thoughts and perform basic tasks.

Greene is “usually capable of handling mundane tasks with supervision” but is “not able to adapt to any changes to daily routine,” the reviewer wrote, also noting that Greene had received multiple disciplinary actions for failing to perform his duties. Greene was also written up for posting sensitive information on a military Internet server, a mistake that resulted in a three-day work stoppage. Records showed Greene was kept at Shaw while the rest of his unit deployed after leadership “recognized his inability to contribute to the wartime mission.”

Of course, Greene relies heavily on his 13-year military record for his campaign while releasing no details. And if you missed it, one of his plans to relieve unemployment in the country is to sell action figures of himself in both Army and Air Force uniforms – the two services who have booted him for his incompetence.

I haven’t read anything from COB6. SC’s newest resident, but DrewM at Ace of Spades writes;

If this guy were running against Lindsay Graham, I’d send him money.

The guy acts borderline retarded, I guess the safest place for him is the Senate.

Thanks to CavRick for the link.

Category: Veterans in politics

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Newsflash, Jonn–I’m guessing it’s not an act. And anybody who knows evalspeak knows that he fucked up bad enough to pretty much never get promoted or allowed to reenlist, but just barely missed fucking up badly enough to get shitcanned.

Sounds like a certain late Senator from Massachusetts who is buried at Arlington next to his brothers, despite never having risen above PFC.

USMC Steve

He will have lots of like minded (or is it weak-minded?) company there. He will fit right in.


I want to know where he got the $10,000 to file. It’s not as simple as putting your name in a hat. It’s also suspect that he garnered so much of the vote versus people with better name recognition. Still, I think you can safely put this in a Republican Win Column.

Virtual Insanity

“usually capable of handling mundane tasks with supervision” = “Total F’ing moron” in evalspeak. It’s the equivalent of “I would not breed from this soldier.”


Did I read that right? He was in the military 13 YEARS???
He wouldn’t make it 13 hours where I work, with an eval like that!
He can’t possibly have had evals that bad all 13 years and stay in, could he??


Thanks Jonn. I missed that one. I still think it’s wierd that he beat out two established candidates without even trying.


People are so pissed at all political hacks I would write Greeene off yet.

Funny as hell, though.


Thank God for QMP… get promoted or get out, retiring as a Specialist/E4.

Dan Kauffman

From the descripions I read he sounds like an employee I had years ago from the Easter Seal Center who was schizophrenic

They could do anything well but not in sequence. That is I had to tell them to do one thing, then tell them to stop and then tell them to do something else.

I could not say do this and when you get finished do that.

I pity rather than condemn this guy. He is a statement on the Democratic Party there LOL


At least he’s honest about where his money comes from people…


It’s like an accident, I can’t look away.

Alvin Greene Responds To Release Of Military Records: ‘Ridiculous…They Only Promote The Terrorists And The Communists’

You can read the rest here:


Ah, the “terrorists” and “communists” set him up to fail, while getting promoted themselves by working hard, repeatedly… the bastards!

B Woodman

As #6 PintoNag said,
How did Greene stay in 13 years? Most enlistments are for 4 years, 6 years tops under certain special circumstances. (Of course, things may have changed since I got out).
In any case, he had to have re-upped at least once. Who dropped the ball?
And I LOVE the EvalSpeak. Says volumes about Greene, for those who can read it.