Astore: The troops aren’t heroes
Ben sent us this link yesterday to an opinion piece by William Astore, a retired Air Force lieutenant colonel published in the LA Times. Astore is tired of our troops being called heroes;
since the events of 9/11, there’s been an almost religious veneration of U.S. service members as “Our American Heroes” (as a well-intentioned sign puts it at my local post office). But a snappy uniform — or even dented body armor — is not a magical shortcut to hero status.
By making our military a league of heroes, we ensure that the brutalizing aspects and effects of war will be played down. In celebrating isolated heroic feats, we often forget that war is guaranteed to degrade humanity as well.
So, next time you talk to our soldiers, Marines, sailors or airmen, do them (and your country) a small favor. Thank them for their service. Let them know you appreciate them. Just don’t call them heroes.
Well, while I might agree on some tiny aspect that everyone who puts on the uniform is not a hero, I’m wondering what prompted this veteran to write such drivel. To bolster his point, he quotes to Star Wars’ fictional personage Yoda. when the animatronic character says “Wars not make one great.” WTF? That line was written by a Hollywood writer, but because it is spoken by the great Yoda, that makes it somehow wise?
My main complaint about this fuckwaddery is that it was even written. What could possibly be the motivation of a veteran to give ammunition to the people just waiting for an excuse to hock a lugie in the direction of anyone in military uniform? Do these cum bubbles think before they type?
In a country where fewer people have any semblance of military service than have 24 straight hours of World of Warcraft play why would we want to waste column inches on telling people we’re no heroes. I’ll grant you that most veterans feel that way…but why put it in print for sheep class?
Veterans are our own worse enemy. Take Gordon Duff whose latest missive declares that “Not all phonies are phony” under the heading “The Stolen Valor Act has always been a joke“. Of course, Gordon has no Purple Heart or Silver Star so why should it bother him if a bunch of phonies are running around wearing one?
The same goes for Astore – I’m guessing he never did anything during his career to distinguish himself among his peers, so he wants to bring us all down to his lowly existence as a history teacher at the Pennsylvania College of Technology – certainly an heroic profession well above that of a soldier (no, I’m being sarcastic).
While possibly not heroic, the profession of arms takes a measure of courage and sacrifice. Beats the shit out of me how Astore got through.
Added: Toothless Dog sends a link to previous work by Astore. I’m guessing most of his Air Force career was in the Reserves.
Category: Media
Astore’s published resume talks only about the periods when he taught at various places. No mention of any command jobs, nor actually any staff jobs, not even when he might have served with troops. Quite a career, ran around and talked about things.
What a douche.
Eh, I’m not going to read too deeply in the writing of someone who quotes a fictional alien to make a point. But in a way, I do agree with this:
“So, next time you talk to our soldiers, Marines, sailors or airmen, do them (and your country) a small favor. Thank them for their service. Let them know you appreciate them. Just don’t call them heroes.”
Nothing makes me more uncomfortable than someone calling me a hero, just because they find out I was in the Marines and/or served in Iraq. In most cases, they don’t take the time to find out what my MOS was, or what I did. They don’t ask or wait for me to tell them about REAL heroes, some of whom are not here to receive the praise they are due. It’s this kind of thinking that is partially responsible for the public misunderstanding of what military life is like and the fact that experiences within the military vary significantly. This leads to people like Matthis being able to get away with calling a six day trip to Afghanistan a deployment, because outsiders are quick to laud all veterans equally.
On a completely different topic, does anyone know what the fuck Gordon Duff is talking about re: a U.S. Senator with a Silver Star and a super-secret military record?
Scott, Duff has a real hard-on for John McCain conspiracy theories.
Some miserable wretches bear their own existance only by trying to drag others down to their own level of misery.
What a waste.
I made a post about this clown a few months ago:
I called Gordon out in the comments, since all he could say to the guy who accurately pointed out that he’s potentially subject to the same kind of distant questioning he feels he is qualified to make of others’ valor was “Durrrr, lunatic fringe, durrrr.”
He deleted my comment. Fucking pussy.
How ironic! Isn’t this same thing done each and everyday here on this website? If you don’t agree with the politics of a veteran or active troop…..destroy them!
Uh, what?
I’ve no problem pointing out hypocrisy, lies, half-truths, misstatements, and unethical behavior from anyone.
If that amounts to “destroying them” so be it.
Again, ash–there have been plenty of instances where TSO, Jonn, and the other posters/contributors here have called out GOP hypocrisy. Or did you not see that on the thread regarding extension of the Bush tax cuts from earlier today?
Selective memory–ain’t it a bitch?
The posters here hate military personnel as much (or even more) than the author of this article. Any servicemember who doesn’t take a hard right political view is spit on by these posters and bloggers.
Spanky, you don’t get it. Try again.
ASH — No one here hates military personnel, and you know it.
Even most of the liberals who post here don’t HATE anyone; the main complaint is that they can’t carry an argument for their viewpoint for more than two posts, and when a flaw in their arguement is pointed out to them, they get their knickers in a knot and sign off in a huff. (V5 being the latest example.)
ASH – Why don’t you read what I wrote ‘neath Duff’s article (assuming he hasn’t deleted it again) and explain to me what about it is wrong, instead of just blithely asserting that I hate anyone who doesn’t share my political beliefs (which are likely not as far right as you presume). I was making a point, not just saying “OMG ur stupid1!!” as Duff did to his original detractor. So, who hates who?
Amazing Stuff Here…
Aparently, this is a troop-bashing website. When the posters of this site disagree with lame asses like Gordon Duff, they are “spitting” on him.
It’s not possible to critique Duff, point by point, without hating the troops.
The only time we attack the SERVICE of an individual is when they clearly have misrepresented or flat out lied about their time in the military. Take Bobby Whittenburg for example. We have never attacked his time in the Corps, only his actions after and his lunatic ideology. On the other hand, in the case of Matthis Chrioux, someone who has clearly exaggerated his time in the service, we have no problem pointing out the truth about his time in the military and taking him down a notch. How is that unfair? Should we just let people who lie about their service get away with it?
ASH only hates National Guard and wounded troops, so stop treating him like that, he doesn’t hate everyone. He totally digs all healthy regular army guys. Not that there is anything gay about that.
ash…isn’t that the little kid from pokemon?
“Not all troops are heroes…” hey, when people like Lynndie England or this Astore feller say that I believe ’em.
Well, Gordo can’t handle being revealed for a hypocrite, so he deleted my post a second time. It’s nice to know his beliefs are so thinly grounded in reason that he is incapable of defending them. I’ll go ahead and re-post what I wrote here, for the sake of those who trackback or if ASH would care to tell me where I’m wrong:
“Seriously Gordon, what part of Glenn’s comment is in keeping with “lunatic fringe” reasoning? There are, believe it or not, people out there who have made greater sacrifices than you did in the military, sacrifices that can be physically observed. And some of those people might in fact appoint themselves arbiters of what constitutes valor, heroism, or honorable service in the same way you have done in this article. They might even do this irrespective of the fact that they have no first hand knowledge of particular events that led to decorations for valor or designation of honorable service, much the same way you have no first hand knowledge of particular events you describe in this article. So, really, if you’re right here, who is to say they aren’t right when they call your honor into question?
Think you’d care to respond to the point I’m making, rather than simply deleting my comment because it hurts your feelings? Or do you only know how to write people off as “lunatics” because they haven’t caved to your superior perspective?”
Here is a rebuttal to the article for those interested.
Closet-hippie Air Force Jane Fonda-fan c*cksucker– Marines or Army would’ve blanket-partied his ass into quitting long before pension time.
FWIW, I have never met a real Hero who puffed out his chest and told everyone what a hero he (or she) was. I spent 6 years in the Navy and have no delusions that I am any kind of hero, but I’ve met many. I’m not some little boy with stars in his eyes mooning over a uniform with shiny bits of metal and ribbon. I’m a full grown man and I base my judgment on what those bits of metal and ribbon represent, and on the actions of the person wearing them, both the actions that earned them any medals, and the way they conducted themselves while in that uniform and afterwards, as a Veteran. One Example: I rode with a guy in the PGR who was a soft spoken, friendly man that I got along with very well. One day we rode in the Atlanta Veteran’s Day parade and the organizers had asked the PGR members who were Vets to wear their medals on their vests. This unassuming guy, who never talked about any of the combat he had seen, showed up with the Silver Star as the top ranking medal on his vest, and told me he was “kind of embarrassed to wear it” but he did it because we had been asked to. He was a true Hero in my eyes, not just because he had been awarded the Silver Star… (though I have to admit I was pretty impressed), but because, even with the PTSD that haunted him daily, he pushed on and honored those who had fallen in service to this country. Finally, the increasing stress that those rides had on his PTSD became too great, and he had to force himself to stop riding Honor missions. He told me it was the most difficult decision he had ever made. I look at him as one of the bravest men I’ve ever known and feel honored to have met him. THAT’S a Hero. I look at all the men and women who have put on a uniform and have to leave their loved… Read more »
Embarrassed that I shared the same service as this guy. There is something to be said for the notion that not every member of the military is some kind of hero for having signed up. Every person who chooses this path understands or should understand that varying degrees of sacrifice will be exacted. That in and of itself does not a make. I would suppose the central question regards what characteristics in action create a hero. There is the frontline fighter enduring great physical danger while defending friend and killing foe. Then there is the surgeon enduring 18 hour days constantly surrounded by death and suffering. Or the 20 something woman thousands of miles from home and family organizing the procurement of essential supplies. Not all commit to the same level of excellence or sacrifice. Many rise to the level of hero’s. Some are just average without the passion to strive for excellence or the commitment to sacrifice. A small number are downright excrement.
Dear ash,
Looks like your butt-buddies at the DUmp have got their little chodes out and wanking themselves silly over it as well…×8800287
And no, I never regarded myself as a hero.
I am not a hero, never have been, never claimed to be. So, when in basic training, my drill sergeant spoke to me, “Can you do that, Hero?” “Good Job Hero, now push…” I was bothered by it. I asked him one day to please not call me “Hero”. He told me that anyone who volunteers to serve, deserves the name “Hero”
Spanky, I don’t think I ever visited that site once in my entire life. Unlike you I try to stay clear of radical websites. Are you still getting your marching orders from the Westboro Baptist Church website?
TSO said “ASH only hates National Guard and wounded troops, so stop treating him like that, he doesn’t hate everyone. He totally digs all healthy regular army guys. Not that there is anything gay about that.”
Really Mark? Please point out where I’ve ever said I hate the NG or wounded troops. First off I was in the National Guard for about 7 months when I realized I wanted to serve my country Full Time and went active. I guess in your words I must have hated myself. My problem with you, Hegseth, and Stoltz is that all three of you are Pro-War but you all sit at home and work on your degrees while cheerleading for the real fighters.
Second, I don’t hate the wounded…I am the wounded. I hate that I can’t still serve in the military. While Stoltz and Hegseth use our military as political tools. I just don’t understand why you don’t bash both. Be consistent bitch.
You AM the wounded? Oh, FFS! You’re “wounded”? Where’s the PH? You got hurt on AD–little bit different than being wounded, assclown. You hate the fact you still can’t be a ROAD waste of life, more like. Sit in the back of the motor pool and collect a paycheck twice a month…I’ve seen your type too many times, ash. And Westboro? Seriously? Is that the best you can do? Those who know me would be laughing their asses off at that crack.
But go ahead, be the asshole and get in the last word–AGAIN.
Really Mark? Please point out where I’ve ever said I hate the NG or wounded troops
Really? You must have forgotten that whole Hegseth/Kagan thread where you basically said anyone in the NG was “hanging out” and of course you followed up your comment with…
but you all sit at home and work on your degrees while cheerleading for the real fighters.
Your assertion is that there service is less worthy and that they aren’t “real” fighters. You are clearly a douche.
Old Dude, but did I say the word “hate”…Nope, never did!
Spanky, you know what happened to me? Really? Love to hear.