Robert Byrd, 92, dies

| June 28, 2010

Fox News is reporting that the 92-year-old West Virginian President Pro Tempore, longest serving member of the Senate and KKK kleagle has died.

So he cheated me out of the opportunity to vote against him.

So off I go to work in the Erma Ora Byrd Conference and Research Center which is on the Robert C Byrd Hilltop Complex.

Category: Politics

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I always thought the case of Byrd was interesting. He was #3 in line after the President, a liberal Democrat, and affiliated with the KKK… but the stigma is that conservatives are racists. There will likely be a love affair with him similar to another deceased Senator who put a car into the river with his mistress inside.

Sam Elliot

“he cheated me out of the opportunity to vote against him”

What, you think this will stop them from running him for reelection?


He can Rot in Hell, the man once sent a Letter to a Senator during WWII Hoping the USA would lose the war to Nazi Germany rather than he would have to serve next to Blacks. He was a Klansman, Klan Recruiter, and Exhalted Cyclops- he was a Domestic Terrorist who got off on beating women and children and keeping US Citizens from voting.

I won’t miss such a dispicable pig.

B Woodman

So finally ends the majority of pork in the federal finance bills.
Just look at how many Gubbment-built items in WV are named after him. The entire state is his memorial.
Think we’ll save any money?


I’ll light a cross (oops, I mean candle) for him.


Just another bull$hit politician who went to Washington to do good, and did pretty fookin well!


I can’t think of anything good to say so even though the word Zombie pops into my head before the word respect I’ll say nothing.

I won’t speculate that he died 10 years ago and has been operated by his handlers since. I won’t mention “Weekend at Bernie’s” either.

I won’t point out that he hasn’t lived in WV for decades.

AW1 Tim

So, the last living Confederate General has passed over the river, eh?

butt neckid

AW1TIM….would that be the river STIX???…BMC ret