VFP calls for impeachment of Obama

| June 25, 2010

The organization known around these parts as Geezers For Sitting On Our Hands have decided to petition for the impeachment of the President. Warning: There are some pretty gruesome pictures in this video;

Of course, this is the group who still put “Impeach Nixon” stickers on their car.

Impeach Nixon

I don’t think there’s been a president other than Jimmy Carter they haven’t wanted to impeach. They also rely heavily on Smedley Butler’s image and quote that “War is a Racket” in the video. Butler has been dead since 1940, so I guess they want to impeach FDR, too. Who knows why they think that a guy who died seventy years ago would have anything useful to contribute to today’s discussion and would support impeaching the President.

Basically, they just dust off the charges against Bush and try to make themselves seem relevant today. Actually VFP hasn’t had a relevant moment in their 25-year history.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Barack Obama/Joe Biden

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Old Tanker

That looks like a “Voldemort” sticker on the car???


They’ve only been around for 25 years? Why is it that they all harken back to the days of Vietnam in everything they do if they weren’t even around then? Or, is it a requirement that you look and dress like an anti-war hippy from the 60’s?


There actually IS an “IMPEACH NIXON” sticker on that car!!


Isn’t VFP the group that that illiterate Staro guy and Gordon Duff belong to?

Old Tanker

Yup, “Republicans for Voldemort” I supose they’ll vote for Harry Potter….


“Why is it that they all harken back to the days of Vietnam in everything they do if they weren’t even around then? ”

Everything the modern anti-war movement does is based on the Vietnam-era movement, and most of those fuckers weren’t even a twinkle in their fathers’ eyes that he’d eventually grow to regret.

SDS, idolizing Bill Ayers, burning flags, calling troops “Baby killer”, wearing your military clothing around protests, “Winter Soldier”, etc. These slackjaws don’t have an original thought in their heads, they’re just languishing in the sloppy seconds of “revolutionaries” past, trading the same recycled empty rhetoric among like-minded idiots and convincing themselves that because everyone in their peer group agrees with them, they must be making a difference.

Illuminating their hypocritical idiocy is fun for me, in part because it’s so easy.


At least they’re consistent.

I live in a very liberal area of a very liberal state. I met plenty of people who believed–no question!–that George W. Bush should be in the docket for war crimes, crimes against humanity. It wasn’t easy to get a straight answer out of them why they thought this, but that’s because none of them were really all that knowledgeable about the laws of war that they think Bush violated.

Then Obama came along and continued to prosecute the same two wars. Suddenly, the term “war criminal” didn’t apply. It’s funny, it’s almost like their opinion of what’s the president’s actions hinges solely on the party he belongs to.


“At least they’re consistent.”

I’ll give them that. Putting a liberal in the white house really separates the true fringe loons from the democratic sycophants. Can’t be good for their numbers though. People don’t like people who don’t like Obama.


Thanks, Jonn, I guess I was too busy back then to pay any attention to them and their antics/name-change/diaper-change, etc.


HeHeHeee, should have tested them anyway…………….

Robert Chiroux

Men with guns coming over the border in southern Arizona and taking control of land, in the U.S., does constitute and invasion. I believe the Commander in Chief has an obligation to defend the U.S. from invasion and not doing so is an impeachable offense. Naturally that would require a shift in the House majority. Just sayin’, not spit balls please.


Shhh. We can’t make logical analogies to illegal immigrants; anti-war folks love illegal immigrants. It’s ok to invade a country as long as you don’t do it in an organized fashion.


Robert Chiroux said: I believe the Commander in Chief has an obligation to defend the U.S. from invasion and not doing so is an impeachable offense.

A valid point, to be sure. If these knot heads wanna impeach him shouldn’t we supportive?

Jonn has a hard-on for these geezers, but they are only the feckless dregs. Some of us geezers have walked a different path.

Aside: Just to piss Jonn off I have to remind him every so often that ALL hippie types weren’t what he imagines… or smells.


Is it just me though or is that Duff guy a raving anti-Jew?

Given VFP’s connections and similar ideology, maybe we should be calling them Veterans For Pogroms.

Marine 83

Smedly Butlers “war is a racket” consists of 28 (give or take) pages with nary a endnote, footnote or other citation of a crdible source. No wonder the leftists like it so much, since they have problems quoting credible sources as well. Old Gimlet Eye was a genuine hero, but his 34 years in the Corps and his two medals of honor detract from rather than enhance his anti war credibility. (forgive me for being redundant since I posted much of the same at Blackfive a couple of weeks ago.


For years I’ve wondered who this Voldemort guy was. I thought he was an actual candidate!


So is dude showing a peace sign, or that “battle wound” paper cut he got in the division typing pool?


Irony: The Saturn I saw the other day with the Kerry/Edwards sticker on it. Remind me not to let this guy pick my stocks for me. Three loser in a row.