McChrystal recalled

| June 22, 2010

General Stanley McCrystal was recalled from Afghanistan yesterday, apparently to answer questions about an interview he did in Rolling Stone magazine in which he disparaged that dick US Ambassador Karl Eikenberry and expressed regret about his vote for President Obama, according to the BBC;

In the article, Gen McChrystal said he felt betrayed by US ambassador to Kabul Karl Eikenberry.

The general’s aides mock Vice-President Joe Biden and say Gen McChrystal was “disappointed” in President Obama.

Meanwhile a US congressional report said the US military had been giving tens of millions of dollars to Afghan security firms who were channelling the money to warlords.

As I’ve said before, Karl Eikenberry was my platoon leader when I first joined the Army and he’s a dick, so I concur with McChrystal. Also, Joe Biden is a joke without equal and that brief meeting Obama had with McCrystal was disrespectful and did little to bolster Obama’s image as a war fighter.

Given all of these facts, I still think McCrystal is wrong to disparage any of the civilians under whom he serves. WTH was he doing talking to Rolling Stone? Its a piece of shit hippie magazine that lives for drama like this to boost it’s dreary sales. McCrystal and his staff showed poor judgement in allowing these pot-smoking doofuses anywhere near them.

McCrystal admission that he voted for Obama doesn’t really redeem him either. Now I really question his judgment – he wasn’t thinking of the troops when he cast that ballot, and that’s going to become real obvious real fast to him.

McCrystal should have let me call that dick Eikenberry names while he sticks to doing his job. I see a shortened military career – Obama was already pissed when McCrystal went to the Washington Post last year, this one is going to do some damage.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Military issues

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Old Tanker

and let me guess….If McCrystal gets relieved over this Yon will take credit for it???


I’m almost as low on the totem pole as a Soldier can get and still know better than to say anything untoward about my civilian leadership. I had a student ask me what it felt like to march in President Bush’s last Inauguration and to serve under President Obama now. I stated fact; that I support my Commander-in-Chief and keep my personal feelings about the President of the United States to myself and a close circle of friends.

On another note, OT might be hitting on something, given all the delusions Yon seems to be having recently.


I read the Washington Post’s take and from what I can see most of the really damning stuff was said by un-named “aides.” Does that mean that the general got stabbed in the back by his staff?


@Old Tanker. Yeah, just like he took credit for getting that hosehead Menard fired.

A Balrog of Morgoth

Bad enough that he voted for Obama, but even worse that he thought it was appropriate to tell us how he voted.


My father used to say Son, it’s better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool, than to open it and remove all doubt.

But what ever happened to the Democrat’s cry that dissent was the highest form of patriotism?

Old Tanker


Center mass!!!


McChrystal has to go. Sorry to say, but the Commander-in-Chief must maintain control of the Armed Forces. That is one of the cornerstones of our Republic. I hate to see him go, but if McChrystal is foolish enough to get pulled into a Rolling Stone interview and talk honestly, regardless of how true it is, then he has learned nothing as he came up through the ranks Don’t even get me started on how top heavy the Army is with Generals anyway .


Yeah, Jerry, you’re right and big Mac is gonna be shown the hatch over this. He was on probation from last Fall’s incident and this just sealed the deal.


Suspect McChrystal finally had enough of Obama’s BS. Hope he tells Obama to pound sand while handing in his retirement papers. Would like to hear what goes on in that meeting. As the saying goes its tough to soar with the eagles when you work with turkeys. POTUS or not, he sure is a turkey.


Marine6 said it all on both counts.


[…] a preemptory apology for a forthcoming article/interview in Rolling Stone Magazine, and that he has been recalled from Afghanistan — apparently because of what is being reported may be in that […]

USMC Steve

Knowing that he voted for that piece of human shit that is now giving him such fits makes me laugh my left testicle off. Fuck McChrystal. It shows his lack of judgement that he voted for Nobama in the first place. I hope he gets fucked in the butt.


Minuteman26, that may true that it is tough to soar with eagles when you work with turkeys, however, I would submit that the admonition he rather should have followed is the old saying that eagles may soar, but weasels don’t get sucked into jet engines…