Your morning Matthis

| June 22, 2010

Someone sent me this link yesterday, and if you are still undecided about how Matthis (IVAW Board member and Election Committee Chair) makes you feel, this video will definitely push you over the fence;

The video is from last year when he was discharged from the military at an administrative board and given a general discharge under honorable conditions for refusing his IRR recall.

He’s jubilant as he comes out of the board. What he doesn’t tell the journalists is that he got the absolute worst discharge the board could give him – he would have gotten the same discharge if he hadn’t showed up at the hearing. Matthis acts like it’s some big victory, but the board screwed him to the wall. And, oh, despite the fact that he says he gets to keep his benefits, that’s not true. I have been in contact with Veterans Affairs Departmen’s Office of the Inspector General who is working on his case.

He tells the interviewer that he suffered for his military benefits, when the interviewer asks him how he suffered when he’s never been to the war, he tells the journalist “That’s really unfair”. The interviewer really isn’t sympathetic to Matthis. It’s no wonder I haven’t seen this video before. When he can’t stick to his talking points, Matthis gets really flustered.

The video is really satisfying.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Usual Suspects

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The interviewer (Craig Cheatham) was great, and knew what it took to shake Matthis. The tone of the video was set from the beginning with footage of the military funeral replete with Taps.

Matthis VOLUNTEERED for a VOLUNTEER Army. He agreed to serve eight years, served five active, then went into the Individual Ready reserve like many other Soldiers (and Sailors, Marines and Airmen) do. Being recalled may not have made him happy but under the terms of his DD-4/1 enlistment contract it was part of the agreement. I commented yesterday in another Matthis post about my friend who sought to have his recall orders revoked. Again, he served three tours and has severe PTSD. Still, his first response to the orders? He called me, fresh out of Recruiting School at the time, to ask if it was too late to reenlist so he could have some control over where he went.

I also shared about a deserter and his wife being supported by the girl’s mother. That is a personal story, my piece of shit brother-in-law deserted on mid-tour leave after four months in Iraq. He still has the pictures on Myspace of his “adventures in the east”, complete with air conditioned office and all the other comforts afforded a rear echelon supply clerk. I have no feelings for deserters of any type. By refusing to be recalled, Matthis put another Soldier out there. While he is tarnishing his reputation stateside, another Soldier has taken his place, possibly leaving behind a family or a good job (one that doesn’t involve the charity of others).

Jonn, I am not one to wish ill on most people, but this is one case where I’d love to see the VA IG determine that Matthis must pay back all benefits used. If Matthis is using the Post-9/11 GI Bill, he is not only going to school for free, but continuing to draw E-5 w/dependent BAH.

Old Tanker

effing douCHE….you earned those benefits….by fucking over the Army?

The report stated that under a general discharge he was not eligible for benie’s but then later state he gets to keep his? Is that due to the honorable conditions?

I’d like to seem this pond scum floating turd tell that Navy vet he earned any benefits…



Matthis says he “suffered” because he was “forced to resist.”

Forced to join the military. Forced to get kicked out of the military. Forced to buy prostitutes FOUR SEPARATE TIMES.

Must be horrible to have so little control over your own destiny. I’m sure if he ever gets busted for drug use or illicit use of IVAW funding, that’ll have been forced upon him as well.

Seeing as he has “suffered” so badly by being “forced to resist”, his activities subsequent to his discharge leave little room for doubt that the guy is nothing but a professional victim. Keep on sufferin’ Matthis; it’s probably all you can do.


He’s a ” 100% ” PIECE OF SHIT!

Casey J Porter

You mean this isn’t one of the clips Matthis was so proud to share with everyone? hahaha I love how this reporter called him out.


This quote should follow Matthis wherever he goes:

“Stop blaming me and everyone else for who you have chosen to be, a whining child crying about what’s wrong with the world and who’s to blame for it. It’s time to shut up and contribute something positive to society.”
-Dr. Robert Chiroux


I can’t watch it. 1 minute and 18 seconds… that’s all I could handle. Even though I love the tone of the piece and the reporter, Matthis’ attitude and rhetoric (bumbling though it is) turns my stomach.

Glad you posted that, Jonn. Thanks.


And, Scott, thanks for quoting Dr. Chiroux. It’s really too bad that Matthis’ bullshit has hurt someone who is obviously so wise and fine. Dr. Chiroux deserves better.