Shooting at Fort Gillem. One Soldier dead.

| June 19, 2010

A very recent story coming from the US Army Times reports that a reserve soldier died after being shot by another reserve soldier.

An Army reservist was shot to death and another was in custody Thursday at a post south of Atlanta that is a gathering place for area reserve units.

Army spokesman Col. Dan Baggio said the victim died at the Army Reserve Center located on Fort Gillem. He could not offer specifics about the shooting that happened between 4:30 and 5 p.m.

Authorities said they were withholding the names of the soldiers until they can notify family members, but did say both were men.

There does not seem to be any known motive at this time.

Category: Breaking News, Military issues

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C’mon ash, jump in here and tell us all why this should be called terrorism, you dumb fuck.

Prayers to the victim and his family.

amazing stuff here


In your eyes it can’t be terrorism, unless the person is brown skinned. Right? Goddamn racist!

amazing stuff here

Do you even understand the word “terrorism”, stop reading the Bush dictionary and actually go look it up in a reliable source.


I knew you couldn’t fucking resist, you dipshit. When are you gonna help clean the gene pool by removing yourself from it?



Wow, I don’t really know what this is about, but that was pretty rude – suggesting to ash that he clean up the gene pool by removing himself from it. I’m not sure if you realize this or not, but ash has some of the most beautiful daughters on the face of the earth. (Only second to my own, of course.)

SSG Dirty Al

A day late and dollar short as always. Don’t no what started the name calling but calling someone a GD Racist isn’t too polite either. Anyway still waiting on the rest of the story. Oh! and I understand that all Terrs aren’t always other than white. Having crossed paths w/ IRA and Muzzie Bosnians and Asshole Serbs. As far as the story, My bets that one or other may well have been a “JODY”.


Debra–two minute rule applies. ASH, for lack of a better word, is a fucktard. Sorry if that offends your delicate sensibilities, dear, but sometimes people NEED to hear the truth rather than have sunshine blown up their asses. I’ve had to endure our little drama queen in multiple threads now, between his, “everyone is a terrorist if something bad happens” to his poor logic or critical thinking skills, not to mention his pathological obsession with getting in the last work on every single subject. And now that he’s pulled out the race card, he’s really shown himself to be a true 24K fucktard, because if he knew the first thing about me or my family, he’d have never uttered that word as a descriptor of me.

The reservists (both perp and victim) were likely not “terrorists”, despite ASH’s desire to see one under every rock or behind every tree. Not everyone who perpetrates a criminal act in uniform is a terrorist, surprise surprise. Just goes to show you where HIS mind is at.

I’m done here.



Since you seem to be a real know it all regarding terrorism, maybe you would do us the honor of enlightening the rest of us as to where al Qaida and Co’s urban warfare specialists tend to come from.

B Woodman

Well, not being told the whole story by the MSM (even the military), and having heard of similar before, I would almost be willing to bet a paycheck swap the the shooter is a muzzie, brown-skinned or not.

amazing stuff here

Again, Spanky only believes people who commit acts of terror are people with brown skin who belong to the Islamic faith. If you’re not Islamic then it can not be terrorism. Right “Fucktard”???

Spanky…check it out, I got the last word…now your turn.



You still didn’t answer my question.

amazing stuff here

Hey Fred,

Saudi Arabia. Now what? Is that the only definition of terrorism? If you come from Saudi Arabia and you attack Americans then you are a terrorist? What about the Americans that live here in the United States that have never been to Saudi nor the rest of the Middle East and actually don’t even believe in Islam but try to kill/infiltrate/harm our troops? Are they not considered terrorist?

Is there a new definition of terrorism now? Did I miss out on the Post 9/11 definition of this?



Wrong. AQ and Co’s best urban fighters tend to be Chechens, which would make them Caucasians. IE: White People.

Last I checked, Shining Path and the FARC are still considered terrorists. They aren’t Muslims so that logic is hardly valid either.

Besides, there is no evidence that there was intent to actually commit violent acts in the two previous incidents and no one seems to even know who the involved parties are in the recent shooting at Ft. Gillem. On the other hand, the evidence was overwhelming regarding Hasan.

Though if you are looking for racism and religious intolerance, I can’t think of a better example than Saudi Arabia, except possibly North Korea.

SSG Dirty Al

Some more of the story that hasn’t been mentioned here according to WSB (am news station) here in Atlanta metro area. The suspect drove immediately to the local police station ( I believe it was Lake city PD) and turned his self in. I still kinda favor the JODY payback angle. More news to follow.

Junior AG

Yee-haw, the over played, over drawn racism card… ASH, I just gotta ask two questions:

1. Are you caucasian?
2. If so, give us an explanation of “white flight.”