My yearly week of Rum, Monotony and the Lash

| June 18, 2010

Actually, I am off for the 2010 Virginia Boys State. If you have kids attending….be afraid, be very very afraid. Actually, if you do, just email us, and I will check in to make sure they are behaving. Anyway, likely no posts for me this week, not that you would notice my absence from my sporadic posting.

Anyway, I’m going to get a few hours of sleep and leave Indy at 1am to make it by noon. So, if you live anywhere in KY, WV or the western side of Virginia, stay off the highways, my contacts don’t work well when I am tired.

To amuse you while I am gone, I give you the greatest Kazookeylele in the history of Kazookeylele players.

Thanks to BSS for putting me on to Kazookeylele Jones here.

Category: Politics

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AW1 Tim

heh… that’s good, but his Bohemian Rhapsody video is better.

I was both an attendee and later on a Counselor at Boys State. It’s a GREAT experience for any young man to attend. I’m glad to see you’re involved still. Good luck!


I hated that song when it came out. Don’t like it any better now.


And if you’re gonna play a ukulele, this is how you do it. I’ve got to get this DVD:


Personally, I think you must have a masochistic streak. That many teenaged boys results in testosterone poisoning a stupidity!!