Who do they think they’re kidding anymore?

| June 18, 2010

I’ve kept my mouth shut about unemployment, giving the President the benefit of the doubt – one can only wish the media would do the same sometimes instead of falling on their swords for him. Yes, jobless claims rose AGAIN this week, another 12,000 people on the unemployment line. But the media is calling it “unexpected”;

New claims for jobless insurance benefits in the United States rose unexpectedly for the second straight week, the government said Thursday on concerns unemployment may derail the economic recovery.

Claims climbed to 472,000 in the week to June 12, an increase of 12,000 from the previous week’s revised figure of 460,000, the Labor Department said.

Most economists had expected claims to fall to 450,000.

You know why God created economists? To make palm readers look accurate in their predictions.

What can you really expect when employers are worried about the tax coming for their health care plans and coverage. When everyone is expecting their utility bills to jump because of Cap and Tax and the oil spill in the Gulf. When everyone’s income taxes are making a leap in six months. Do you really think that employers are going to hire in a climate like that?

And, oh, I filed my income taxes in February and still haven’t got my $5000 refund – I wonder what the Hell that’s about. I sure could use that money to pay some contractors to do some work on this house – you know, employ some people.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Economy

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Old Tanker


Did these people think that the census workers were going to stay on permanently?

BTW. Did my taxes on April 10th, got about $1700 back on the 20th….get ready for your audit, your return must have gotten flagged…


And when the taxes DO kick in on January 1st, look for the REAL bloodbath to begin…but, but, but…he PROMISED me my taxes wouldn’t go up!

I e-file as soon as I’m possibly able. The last two years, I’ve got them calculated based on paystubs and ready to go via software, so that when the W-2 shows up, I just make sure everything matches, then hit the button. 10 days to refund direct deposited in both years. Unfortunately, I can’t really do much about filing STATUS since for the last 15 years has been either married/joint or married/seperate with no extra dependents, and they might have an issue if I suddenly filed Single/5 or 6. Nothing irritates me more than giving the government an interest-free loan for a year.

Old Tanker

I e-filed as well, just surprising it’s taking them so long.

AW1 Tim

I also E-File, just as soon as the W-2’s arrive.

Speaking of economists….. Take any 3 economists, ask them each the same question, and you’ll get at least 5 opinions in return.

Operator Dan


This “employment” concept you speak of… did you come up with that on your own? Did you send a message to the President on facebook about it? I think you should…


I am a small business owner. My company depends upon other companies making significant investments in new tooling, which is what we make. The common thread among people I talk to is that they are scared to death of what next may come out of the Marxist-in Chief and are assuming a bunker mentality. That means I do the same which means my crew does the same which means …… trickling all the way down to the babysitters. Until a major change in policy happens, this depression is going to get worse and be extended several years.



Alas, I think you have a bulls eye there.


I’ll also jump in behind what dpddj said. Exactly right.

Also, in response to the post, another angle that makes this even more grim (in a way) is that we’re looking at the possibility of extended unemployment benefits. So not only are employers discouraged from hiring (both by the bunker mentality and even more severe taxation) but the pressure is being taken off those unemployed to look for work.

Sure, some industrious souls will be self-motivated (and at least we know that higher jobless claims mean more people are evidently looking for work). But I’ve heard that in some cases unemployment benefits can last for up to 99 weeks: http://alturl.com/xn93

Heck, 99 weeks of paid leave could even sound tempting to someone employed if they could handle the pay cut and weren’t afraid of being jobless when they got back.