Toy soldiers get student in trouble

| June 18, 2010

8-year-old David Morales ran into trouble when he took his school project to class (Deseret News link);

Morales’ 8-year-old son, David, was assigned to make a hat for the day when his second-grade class would meet their pen pals from another school. She and her son came up with an idea to add patriotic decorations to a camouflage hat.

Earlier this week, the Tiogue School in Coventry sent the cap home with David at the end of the day after concluding it violated a zero-tolerance policy for weapons.

The principal told the family that the hat would be fine if David replaced the Army men holding weapons with ones that didn’t have any, according to Superintendent Kenneth R. Di Pietro.

Yeah, most soldiers don’t have guns. I remember the East German 95th Binocular Battalion when I patrolled the intra-German border.

The education profession seem focused on the ridiculous these days instead of having an ounce of common sense they could share with their membership.

Thanks to Tommy for the link.

Category: Liberals suck

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This kid’s hat is the perfect storm for teachers. Everyone knows that the two biggest threats to students is guns and the military!
After that it’s Sarah Palin’s book burning tour, the Purple People Eater, and malnutrition.

I cannot understand how anyone could possibly say that a TOY gun is possibly a WEAPON. For something to be a weapon it must have functionality, but I am preaching to the choir.

Zero tolerence means not having to think, which is the first step into slavery.


Zero tolerance policies remove the need and requirement for common sense in schools, workplaces, etc. They are designed to promote intellectual laziness. If there is a question or decision that the authority figure either can’t, or won’t answer; they just point to the “zero tolerance” policy and go about their day.

As Forrest, Forrest Gump would say “stupid is as stupid does”.

Dave Thul

Isn’t there a toy company making National Guard Border Soldiers yet? They carry bottles of water for our thirsty illegal friends instead of M-4’s.

Heck, why didn’t the mom tell the school that the toy soldiers on the hat were actually the Israeli IDF forces that raided the flotilla? Just say they were paintball guns.


When I was a kid in Elementary School, the school sent a kid home from accidentally bringing in a GI JOE sized M240B. The smaller one. Yet, they allowed the “Official Blackbeard Reenactor” to fire off a brace of pistols in front of students…. What in the wide, wide world of sports is wrong with the Education profession? Are they all drinking the same Kool Aide? Seriously?

AW1 Tim

The local Middle School here is infected with the same sort of leftist claptrap. The local employer, Bath Iron Works, makes warships for the US Navy. The Middle School mascot is the “Destroyer”. The image on the school seal is a gray Navy warship.
To show their displeasure with President Bush as “Daddy’s Little Warmonger” (no shit… that’s what the Teachers referred to him as ) the Teachers and the Union forced the school to remove the guns fro all images of the school seal. It now looks like a haze gray yacht on a blue background.
These are the same crew that want new textbooks with all references to weapons and all images of weapons, from ancient Roman swords to Indians bows removed because they claim to violate the “no weapons” policy.
Morons and crapweasels, the whole lot of them.


Another example of the feminization of America.
Those who beat their swords into ploughshares will plough for those who don’t.


I had a lot of caring teachers, who spent most of their time trying hard to be the best teachers they can be. Doctors — the same way. But both professions are CLUELESS when it comes to weapons. A great deal of the public debate about gun control and the rest of it, is coming from these two professions.
I think maybe the NRA has it right. Invite every friend you have, that doesn’t know anything about weapons, out for a day of shooting at a local range.
We’ve done that. It actually works. Two people we’ve invited out shooting are now gun owners themselves, and support the shooting sports.
Unfortunately, neither one was a teacher or doctor!

Bubblehead Ray

You can’t blame the school. Everyone knows that Green Army Men suffer from Post Toddler Slobber Disorder and could snap at any moment. /eye roll.


You could train monkeys to be better administrators. Those who can’t, teach…


I gave my nephew an ammo box that’d formerly contained 7.62mm belted 4-and-1 (stenciled on the side as such). He took it to elementary school as his lunchbox, knowing they’d send him home, just to piss ’em off. (He plans to be a naval aviator when he grows up– has a t-shirt from where the “Top Gun sleazy bar scene” was filmed that says exactly that and wears it to school too.)