VFP: Gravity causes enlistments

| June 3, 2010

A local chapter of Geezers for Sitting on Our Hands in Wisconsin has their panties balled up over a planned parachuting demonstration at high school pep rally conducted by Army parachutists;

VFP member Buzz Davis of Stoughton said, “Schools are required by federal law to allow military recruiters recruit in the schools. But this is going too far. The parachute drop Wednesday is designed to impress students with soldiers’ braveness and toughness. It is unfair that the students, who believe we should work harder to create peace than we do to fight wars, will be forced to sit through a pro-military display of power designed to encourage youth to join the military. Citizens should call the school district and demand the jump be canceled.”

It’s great that VFP doesn’t give students or their parents credit for being halfway smart or able to make their own decisions based on commonly accesible information. It’s not like recruiters are going to be rounding up students from the bleachers and shipping them off to Afghanistan straight from the pep rally.

I just wish the media would scrap it’s pracice of calling the Geezers For Sitting On Our Hands “Veterans” like they’re someone rational we should pay attention to – like real people.

Category: Antiwar crowd

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Did “Buzz” get his name for the 12″ 5 D-Cell double dong he used to get out on a chapter?

509th Bob

Yes, the Golden Knights are impressive to watch. I think, however, that a mass tactical jump over the school’s football field might even be more fun, and more impressive to young patriotic men.

NR Pax

“It’s not like recruiters are going to be rounding up students from the bleachers and shipping them off to Afghanistan straight from the pep rally.”

They aren’t? Rats. I guess the budget doesn’t allow for that anymore.


Why does anyone even pay attention to anything these morons say?

I should buy stock in Depends, since these yo-yo’s are wetting their diapers more and more over little things.

As for the name “Veterans”; this is where I’ll disagree. They can have that in their title, no matter whether they’re pussies, or not, they at least wore the uniform. Or, am I assuming too much?


Sounds like someone was pissed off he didn’t make it past the first morning PT at Jump School.


They never made it passed the MEP station.


I dunno… I’ve long questioned the wisdom of those willing to jump out of a perfectly good airplane?

Oddly enough an old SF type friend thought I was crazy to go upon the ocean. To quote: “I can run a lot further than I can swim.”

Still, I suppose some young folks might be impressed?

Disclaimer: The Golden Knights are awesome. I just think The Navy is made up of wiser people. After all we’ve had the USMC to guard our gates and do the dirty work for centuries.


Ponsdorf: You said: “I’ve long questioned the wisdom of those willing to jump out of a perfectly good airplane?”
Who says it is/was a “perfectly good airplane”? It is a military aircraft, DUH! We do you think that the smart ones among us, jumped anyway? I think they ought to put about a 12 chalk wad of em on a football field. Those T-10s would sure get some riser stretching.
I watched a “Black Daggers” team jump in to an event of ours here in the Florida Panhandle a couple of months ago. Just the creds needed to make the team are awesome.

Nuf Sed


Sixties are over, hippies go home! Don’t take the brown Geritol, maaan! (Frickin’ geezers should let the kids see for themselves.) It might “impress students with soldiers’ braveness and toughness” (oh, the horror!) unlike the VFP’s display of wienieness.


Believe it or not I live in Stoughton Wisconsin, have for the last 20 years….Libtards like Buzz are pervasive…If you could have seen the video of the few idiots protesting this, it was priceless….Losers and hippies who couldn’t find their way if they had a GPS.

They had some high school chick on the news handing out flyers protesting the fly in and saying that her fellow students were snickering at her….
Yes they were snickering, they think you’re a fucking idiot….


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