Is Obama Planning to Filibuster a Bill that he Supports?

| June 22, 2008

Hot Air has a good recap of how an amateur paints himself into a corner. At the end of the line of constant pandering is always a train wreck. It is actually kind of comical.

So let’s recap Obama’s positions on this issue:

He opposed the FISA reform bill when it included non-supervised immunity for the telecoms.

He pledged to filibuster any bill that contained retroactive immunity.

When the bill passed the Senate in February with non-supervised immunity, he was glad to stand with Russ Feingold, Chris Dodd, and the “grassroots movement of Americans” opposed to it.

After spending the next three months avoiding the subject, he declares support for the House compromise bill that contains court-supervised retroactive immunity.

But then he says he wants to strip out the immunity in the bill he supports, which would force everyone to start over again from scratch.

And he also stops far short of the filibuster pledge he made when he needed to keep Dodd from stealing his support last fall.

So which is it? Does Obama support this FISA reform bill or not? Will he try filibustering a bill that won a large majority in the House and which is even more of a compromise than the bill that won 68 votes in the Senate in February? Will Obama try to do yet another flip-flop and still convince people that he has any principles at all?

Last fall he vowed to not only not support FISA reform that includes any kind of immunity; he made the MoveOn crowd swoon by promising to go after the telecoms and administration legally.

So to answer the question of whether or not he’s planning to filibuster the bill; no frigging way.

He may be the Messiah to the far left base but he is JV in the Senate.

Harry may throw him a bone and let him make a non-sense speech but he will quickly be shooed away for the adults to vote.

What will the lefties at MoveOn have to say? Will they suddenly realize what an empty suit they have pushed on the electorate? Or will they just get in line like mindless lemmings?

Category: Politics

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Tom the Redhunter

Obama supports Change! and Hope! You are just a denier!