Blumenthal still leads McMahon

| May 28, 2010

I don’t know what’s wrong with the people being polled in Connecticut.Clearly, Richard Blumenthal has been lying about his military service for years and yet, a week after the discovery, CT voters seem to be supporting him 56% to 31%.over the Republican candidate.

I’ve quoted several CT veterans over the last week who claim that Blumenthal has been a great supporter of veterans in CT, yet I’ve been unable to find a single instance where he did that in performing his duties as an attorney general, Sure he gave wonderful speeches (during which he usually lied about his service) but beyond that, he hasn’t done a single thing for veterans.

Of course, the real Vietnam Veteran, Rob Simmons dropped out of the race – real veterans in CT should be ashamed if their sole reason for supporting phony Blumenthal is his veteran status and his nebulous support for veterans..

Category: Phony soldiers, Veterans in politics

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B Woodman

(Loud palm-slap) D’OH!


I think the main reason so many are throwing their support to Blumenthal has less to do with him and more to do with his opponent. Simmons would have won. McMahon is just a placeholder.


Depends where you are looking. Over here in the southeast I haven’t found a vet in good standing who still supports him. Many have demanded in letters, phone calls and in person that he resign.
As for him doing good things without evidence that has always been Blumenthal. I can’t figure it out but ask anyone why they like him and they will say he’s a fighter, he does great things, he’s shown he can be trusted, etc. Follow it up by asking for examples and not one person can give one. It’s been like this forever


I was just reading a few of the polls. Realize, I’m not from Connecticut, I’m an outsider looking in. But it looks like the polls had Blumenthal way ahead of both Simmons and McMahon. That is a surprise to me. Still, I think having a true vet with Simmons’ background in the race would have won out over the long run. Just looking at poll trends, it doesn’t look good for McMahon.


The funny thing about this is that they keep talking about how great Blumenthal is for veterans, but for some reason Linda McMahon and the WWEs work with and for veterans is ignored.

USMC Steve

These sheeple are from the great white liberal north. That says it all about their priorities. This is of course the only thing he would or has lied about.

i cut him even less slack than the average scumbag because he did time in the Marines even if in the Reserves. His drill instructors failed, period.