Biden’s Blumenthal joke

| May 26, 2010

I’ve been doing my best to keep the Blumenthal story alive, but I thought I’d have to skip it today, running out of ammo. Thank goodness for Joe Biden, God love him;

“I didn’t serve in Vietnam. I don’t want to make a Blumenthal mistake here,” he said according to a pool report. “Our attorney general from Connecticut, God love him.”

Later he said “I have a bad habit of saying exactly what I think.”

Blumenthal became the brunt of Republican criticism after The New York Times reported he misstated his service record during the Vietnam War on several occasions.

Of course, saying what he thinks has never been a problem for Biden since he never thinks.

The article goes on to detail Blumenthal’s deferments and Reserve service. Odd, but they don’t take the opportunity to count Biden’s draft deferments during the Vietnam war (the answer is five – same as Cheney – the difference being that Cheney’s deferments all came before ground combat operations in Vietnam) while Biden was studying to be the smartest man in the world whose IQ is probably higher than yours.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Phony soldiers

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Adirondack Patriot

He may not have lied about Vietnam, but he sure floated a steamy pile in the Vice Presidential debates when he said “We kicked — along with France, we kicked Hezbollah out of Lebanon.”

I missed that memo, Joe. When was Hezbollah kicked out of Lebanon?

Maybe when Blumenthal was in the Mekong Delta.


I’m sure it was seared, SEARED–into his brain.

AW1 Tim

Heh,,,, if you’ve lost Biden, your campaign is toast.


Biden was the original character for the TV series “Lost”

B Woodman

“God love him.”
No one else will.


[…] Memeorandum. More at This Ain’t Hell. And at Hot Air, where Ed Morrissey has this NRSC ad going after […]

USMC Steve

After reporting his LIES about serving in Vietnam. Another embarrassment to my Corps. Colossal screaming fuckwit.


Slow Joe’s got some jokes – allegedly. “What, he’s pissed? Good thing I didn’t say anything about bitter people who cling to their guns and religion.”