WV Dem runs against Pelosi

| May 10, 2010

The Washington Times reports this morning that West Virginia Democrat state Sen. Mike Oliverio running against incumbent Democrat Alan B. Mollohan for the 2d District is also claiming to be running against Nancy Pelosi;

Mr. Oliverio, 46, told a local newspaper that he would prefer to vote for a House speaker who has “the best interest” of the state. He later told voters at a local chamber of commerce dinner, “Hopefully, there will be a better candidate than Nancy Pelosi.”

Of course, I’d advise my fellow West Virginians that if they’re displeased with Nancy Pelosi’s anti-West Virginia policies, the last thing they’d want to do is send a Democrat to Congress. Mr. Oliverio’s “hopes” notwithstanding, if there’s a Democrat majority, Pelosi will be the next speaker of the house. The only thing that could stop another Pelosi term is a Republican majority – voting for Mr. Oliverio in November won’t help. So when you vote in the primary tomorrow, vote for whomever you like, but if you want to get rid of Pelosi, don’t vote for Democrats in November regardless of how Republican they try to sound.


Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden

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