Why we have no pity for Phony Soldiers.

| April 9, 2010

Medals don’t make the hero

That is what a blog post by a author named Mark McCarter.

He talks about a Marine by the name Greg Suedmeyer

He did a tour in Iraq. When he got back to the states, he was at Camp Lejeune, N.C. He was headed home to Huntsville from there last weekend.

Then, on Saturday evening, because a 71-year-old man was inexplicably going the wrong way on I-20 outside Atlanta, Suedmeyer was killed.

There’s the life lesson for us all on the fragility of it all, the “you never know” that sobers us all. You sign up to be a Marine, you get sent to Iraq, the odds slide against you. Bombs, rockets, insane insurgents.

Then you lose your life on a Georgia freeway because somebody is driving the wrong way. Your wife is at your side. Your dog is in the back seat. It’s not supposed to happen.

People like Skyler Tarquin Smith

He claimed that he had several awards to include two Purple Hearts. But seems he went AWOL before his unit deployed.

But here is the real reason that caused me to write this post. Also the caption for this next photo is so perfect that I cannot say anything better.

Why do we expose frauds and phonies?

Take a good look at this picture and then tell us a phony has a constitutional right – “Freedom of Speech” –
to say he earned a Purple Heart when he did not.

That says it all right there.

Category: Phony soldiers, Soldiers Angels, Support the troops

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wow. well said.

Operator Dan

Awesome post Sporkmaster.

I challenge these people claiming Stolen Valor is unconstitutional to show me when the Supreme Court or any other federal court has upheld that fraudulent speech is protected.

Old Trooper

All I can say is fuckin A right, bubba!

Drive on troop.

Frankly Opinionated

Every single time I visit Camp James E. Rudder, (at least once a week, often more than that), I think of the Jesse McFakes and his herd of phonies, of Matthis and his flock of cowards, and look at the heroes around me. The whole lot of them wouldn’t make a pimple on the average Rangers ass. And, just as the marine killed on a Georgia highway was a hero, so too are all our military. That they’ve not all gained medals, they are in the service and subject to find themselves in harms way. That I, and many others, did not have an opportunity to “prove” ourselves in combat, doesn’t mean that we would not have answered the call. Sporkmaster and those like him that have “been there, faced them”, are heroes whether or not they “earned” medals. Hell, even a supply clerk is an essential part of combat, why must they fake their service?
Thanks Sporkmaster for making excellent comparisons.
Nuf Sed

B Woodman

The phonies can claim Freedom of Speech and Purple Hearts IF, AND ONLY IF,
I get to cut off and cauterize THEIR legs first.

If you want to trash-talk and run with the big boys, the REAL P/H Heros, ya gots’ta go through the initiation first.

I have served, but I have never (as far as I know) been that close to earning one of those P/Hs. I would NEVER phony claim one. The price of admission to that “club” is too high to diss the real Heros.


I am glad the phonies are exposed and prosecuted. They should be brought to justice for fraud. I have gone to BAMC in San Antonio for treatments for the past 3 years and I am in awe of all the wounded warriors I see there. These men and women are all heroes and deserve our respect and support and should NEVER be subject to the kind of disrespect shown them by these frauds and cheats. This country is blessed to have such people protecting us and I pray for them every day and I thank God for them every day.


No mercy for their lies. Expose them at every opportunity and if this country still has half a conscience it will become equally outraged by these liars and frauds.


[…] Why we have no pity for Phony Soldiers. – This Ain’t Hell […]


[…] This ain’t Hell explains why they have no pity for phony soldiers […]



These fakes should not only be prosecuted, they should have their butts kicked then made to do 2 years community service at the local V.A. helping REAL recipients of the PH


Require the phonies to serve their sentences in a military stockade – with military guards, and military fellow prisoners.