Meet Tim Burns in PA’s 12th district

| April 5, 2010

John Hawkins at Right Wing News interviews Tim Burns who is running as a Republican in Pennsylvania’s 12th District, the seat recently vacated by the late John Murtha;

Tim, you’ve done some work on the tea parties. Can you talk about that a little bit?

Sure. Before I was a candidate, I organized the first tea party here in Washington County — my home county. I got a great response there. From there, I spoke at another one of the tea parties, got involved in that movement, and was actually encouraged to run for Congress. That’s really how I got involved in this race.

Yes, I’m aware of the controversy over Burns’ selection that has put him at odds with veterans because he was picked by the local party apparatchiks over Bill Russell.

Category: Politics

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Yep, he was, Jonn..which is why I’m staying away from this race.

Operator Dan

My understanding is that Russell was polling well before this and he gave Murtha a run for his money in the last election. It seems Russell has a point when he says that the party chose Burns because he has a lot of cash behind him.


I supported Russel two years ago with a donation. Sent him another this year before I heard this story. So what to do?


That’s what the primary is for. Let the actual voters in the district pick their candidate.