Milbloggies voting has started

| April 4, 2010

As most of you know, the Milblog Conference is next weekend. TSO and I will be there to make sure that no free beer goes to waste. But here’s your opportunity to let the world know which are your favorite military blogs. Voting has begun in the various categories at Military(dot)com/Milblogging(dot)com.

Yeah, we’re nominated again this year in the Veterans category – asking you guys to click something so we can win is just too much, I suppose, so please, PLEASE, don’t make us come in last place, OK?

Category: Bloggers

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Also, vote for USO girls in veterans supporters if you would so I don’t have a sad Fiancee.


Jonn, are you going to be at the Conference?? and thanks TSO, I don’t want your fiance to be sad either.


I hope I’m allowed in this year!

Southern Democrat

Sorry TSO, I have to go for Kosovo…


SD…you’re joking right? Sure made me smile! Heck I figured all of the TAH group were USO Girls groupies. Sorta works out that way.

My Veteran’s vote went for TAH. Swear!


P. S. The USO girls rock. I’ll be tickled pink if they beat the poop out of me in this.


I see we are getting some very stiff competition from Free Range International. 🙂 Well, if things stay the way they’ve been going so far, looks like TAH should at least come in second (if not first or tied for first).

I was thinking about posting on my Facebook status telling people to vote for TAH, but, on second thought, considering who the majority of my Facebook friends are, I’m afraid it would only ensure our defeat…

(Shut UP, NHSparky!)


ROFL…I love being under your skin, Deb. Gimme a kiss, baby.

And yeah, I already voted.


NHSparky, you are neither under my skin, nor do I think you’re very cool. I registered on ConservativeCave just to look at your profile and see how old you are because you act like you’re about 14. According to that, you’re 43, which makes you 9 years my junior. Nonetheless, that is still way too old for adolescent behavior to be considered in any manner socially acceptable. And is that actually a pic of you on your ConservativeCave profile? If so, for crying out loud, you need to get a hair cut and trim your beard. What are you — trying to look like a hippie or something?


I am blogging about your candidacy as we speak.


Oh, so I have another stalker? Cool.


And if you REALLY thought that was me, seriously. Begone, Ronulan stalker psycho.


And if you really think I’m stalking you, then YOU are the psycho!


Well, let’s see now…did I register on other websites, look up your information, and run back and post it here?

I rest my case.


Oh, for crying out loud…If you think that meets the elements of proof for stalking, then all I can say is, you would make a piss poor attorney.

Anyway, I don’t wish to argue with you anymore. This thread is about voting for TAH for the Milblog Conference…I won’t be there, but you never know, maybe next year, if nothing else, to have a good pow wow with my adversaries here and straighten some of you poor guys out, LOL…

So everybody who hasn’t voted yet, please go straight to the link above and vote for TAH in the Veterans category as your favorite MilBlog. I’ve done it and I wish you all good luck!


Thank you so much Maggie. I still don’t understand why you aren’t in the Navy section. How could you not be? No disrespect to the others, but when i think Navy i think Maggie.


It’s amazing to me how many milblogs are really out there, covering just about every possible community. Probably why I never felt the need to start my own blog–that and I’ve been out of the game long enough it probably doesn’t matter much anymore.


TSO said, “No disrespect to the others, but when i think Navy i think Maggie.”

Hmm…No disrespect to others, but when I think Navy, I think…damn, when do I NOT think Navy..


I really do need to get out more…


Just did my vote.


Thanks TSO, I am fine where I am. I do realize that some think I run the Navy, but I have never actually served, lol.

This weekend my mother was commenting on Rep Johnson and his Guam capsizing business. She asked “Is he one of yours?” I was puzzled and asked “The Congressman?” and she laughed “No, the Admiral who kept a straight face in that hearing.” Even my mother thinks I run the deal!

So I am campaigning for TAH, USNI in Navy and “A Little Pink in a World of Camo” in the “U.S. Military (spouse)” category.

I want Rachel Porto to take that prize in a big way.

Dave Thul

I just voted for TAH and you guys are in the lead. But the bad news is I heard that Uncle Jimbo contracted with ACORN to get people registered on, and then make sure Mickey Mouse gets his vote counted. 43 times.


Oh man, I wish I hadn’t read that Maggie.
I wish I could change my vote. As always I voted for AWTM, but only because I hadn’t read that. If someone out there who wouldn’t have voted could go vote for this young lady, it would assuage my guilt.


Okay, I gotcha covered.