Oath Keepers and IVAW

| September 20, 2009

I’ve been receiving emails over the last few months about Oath Keepers and my initial impressions of the organization were good. I mean, I’m all for military and law enforcement officers pledging to keep their respective oaths. And the Southern Poverty Law Center is scared by them, so that’s always good.

A week or so ago, one of my RSS feeds took me to an article on Oathkeepers’ website that was written by Eric T Orseske, an IVAW member. At the time, I let it slide to see what Oath Keepers would do about it – within a few days, the post came down. Well, the same post popped up again today;


Well, i just think it’s odd that Oath Keepers would associate itself with someone blatantly opposed to oaths. The IVAW has recently, at least at Fort Hood, encouraged soldiers to break their oath to serve. The IVAW won’t even vote to boot members who encourage violence against our troops.

So what about the IVAW lends itself to cooperation with an otherwise commendable organization like Oath Keepers?

Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Oath Keepers, SPLC

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This may be old news, but I did not know that the SPLC was on the approved donation list for CFC. I have a photo of it form the CFC book.


Disagree with you on this one Jonn, Oath Keepers are just another insane off shoot of the Paulians. But a “Hate Group” they are not. But the world is full of groups not involved with hate that SPLC is making money off slandering.


Also, your inability to answer your phone.


Jonn, it’s that thing that makes that ringy-dingy noise once in a while.


I suggest a deeper problem. I do not recall this particular arselick on the roster of “testificators at WS II in March 2008. For that matter, I don’t recall any 82 ABD engineers on thier roster. Perhaps it is merely the slippage of an old man’s gray cells, but I suspect that this guy may be a double faker, both faking and faking his faking. Wouldn’t that be a hoot? Do you remember him?

Just A Grunt

This organization is not as altruistic as they put forth. Their leader Stewart Rhodes. has been a regular guest on the Alex Jones radio show. For those not familiar with Jones he is a big time troofer and when he isn’t getting in Michelle Malkin’s face he putting together little videos like the one below, which intersperses footage of Shepard Smith’s and Geraldo Rivera’s over the top reporting from Katrina with military symbols in an attempt to persuade people that our federal government is ready at a moments notice to build concentration camps and suspend the Constitution.

In a blog post defending Ron Paul from the accusations that he was linked to some racist groups during last years presidential race he had this to say.

As a case in point, look at Eric Dondero who used to work for Ron but after 9-11 transformed into a raving Kool-Aid drinking, Bush cheerleading, torture loving, warmongering neocon when it comes to the war on terror. Who would have known he was such a raving maniac? No doubt about it, that idiot had to have said, written, or done something that was embarrassing to Ron while working for him.

I could go on and on but I would warn folks not to jump on this Oath Keepers bandwagon, there is more then meets the eye.

Just A Grunt

Previous entry reads real ugly. It was Stewart who put together the vidoes, not Alex Jones and it was Stewart who made the blog entry I referenced. Somehow my fingers didn’t match up with my brain.

Go figger…..


[…] took four days for members of This Ain’t Hell to convince Rhodes to take the testimonial down. It began here and ended here. What hasn’t ended, however is Oathkeepers’ support of Adam Kokesh which Bev […]