I am (still) waiting on the VoteVets apology to T-Paw Pawlenty

| March 31, 2010

Remember a few weeks ago when I defended Pawlenty? You can go re-read it now if you would like. VoteVets in their paean to misplaced, ill-conceived rage quoted Senator Murphy:

“For money that was supposed to go to fund things for veterans going to fund people in the governor’s office, it’s outrageous,” said Murphy, DFL-Red Wing, a Marine veteran. “The governor runs around telling everyone he’s cutting all these budgets, and then he back-door fills in his own department. I’m just disgusted with this.”

But, a funny thing happened at the forum:

“I didn’t know what we were using the money for,” Murphy said. “Any time the governor’s office has been involved in negotiations that I’ve been involved with, it hasn’t come out very good. That’s why I questioned the program. I was wrong. The money has been well spent.”

Now, kind of been sitting on this waiting for the VoteVets apology, since it hasn’t been forthcoming, I figure I will post this to show what hypocritical shitbags and dishonest charlatans they are.

Mind you, I’ve been commenting over there lately and keep getting troll rated when I say something that proves that dicksmith is a lying f-wad, so I guess I will just keep the battle here in hopes that a) someone will go back and let them know, and b) Lilyea will give me my much deserved raise for profligate posting.

Category: Politics

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You know, the CONCEPT of a VoteVets movement/organization is a good idea.

The execution of it, where the group is run by a bunch of clueless fringe-left morons?

Not so much.

As vets, an organization that can get behind vets or proven vet supporters running for office makes sense.

But I’ve been schooled on this and other blogs like this… and I ain’t having any of the VoteVets Kool aid.



TSO–if you’re waiting for a payraise for prolifigate posting, get your ass behind me.

Cedo Alteram

TSO, it only matters what Dicksmith says today! Yesterday is irrelevant. You didn’t know that?


[…] I am (still) waiting on the VoteVets apology to T-Paw Pawlenty […]