Hegseth: Obama must go to Iraq
Pete Hegseth, Chairman of Vets for Freedom writes in the Wall Street Journal this morning that Barack Obama’s refusal to go to Iraq only undermines Obama’s credibility on the war against terror and more specifically the war in Iraq;
Mr. Obama continues to insist that “Iraq’s political leaders have made no progress in resolving the political differences at the heart of their civil war” – despite the passage of numerous pieces of benchmark legislation by the Iraqi Parliament and unequivocal evidence of grassroots reconciliation across the country.
Mr. Obama also continues to claim that America has “simply thrown U.S. troops at the problem, and it has not worked” – despite the dramatic reduction in violence in precisely those areas of Iraq where American forces have surged, and since handed over to Iraqi Security Forces.
And of course, Mr. Obama persists in his pledge to withdraw all combat forces from Iraq, on a fixed timeline, beginning the moment he enters office – regardless of the recommendations of our commanders on the ground, regardless of conditions on the ground, and regardless, in short, of reality.
America is longing for an informed and principled debate about the future of Iraq. However, such a debate seems unlikely if the Democratic nominee for president won’t take the time to truly understand the dynamics on the ground, let alone meet with commanders.
The time for talking points is over. Too much is at stake. When will Mr. Obama finally return to Iraq and see the situation for himself?
Well, I’ll explain it to you, Pete; If Obama were to go to Iraq, he’d be without teleprompters and handlers – he’d be just another lanky, jug-eared bonehead without the adoring crowds waving signs and cheering. He’d look like the uncoordinated doofus he is. He’d be Barack Obama Unplugged.
If he went to Iraq, he’d either have to lie about what he would see with his own eyes, or he’d have to admit that he’s been wrong the last several months – and he’d have to reformulate his policy on Iraq to something the Code Pink and the MoveOn.org special interest groups couldn’t tolerate. Obama would have to admit that John McCain and George W. Bush were right all along – that wouldn’t sit well with anyone being funded by George Soros.
I mean, why should Obama mar his perfect record of plausible deniability? As long as he never goes to Iraq, he can say he was given bad information. Just like his stupid remarks that he never heard Jeremiah Wright’s hate speech in church, just like yesterday when he said that the Tony Rezko who was sentenced to prison isn’t the Tony Rezko Obama knew all of these years. Obama doesn’t want to know the truth, he just wants to parrot vacant platitudes that attract the empty-minded zombies.
Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Foreign Policy, Terror War
Hey Jonn Tell us what you really think.”Uncoordinated doofus” suggest you check his game on a basketball court.He’ll be in Iraq well before Nov. election and was there in 06.As mentioned Rupert Murdoch of “fair and balanced” Fox loves Obama so who needs Soros?Keep up the good work.I enjoy your spin.Wheeler USMCR
I sincerely hope he does take his college educated dumb ass to Iraq, and gets a close up look at an IED while he’s there.
Gramps I wasn’t going to respond to such a hate filled remark about a man you’ve never met and truly know little about.But later in this day my thoughts went back 40 years to June 4 1968 when as a young 23 yr old Marine Lieutenant serving in Viet Nam I heard of the assassination of Robert F Kennedy.As an Irish Catholic teenager I had mourned the loss of his brother 5 years earlier.R.F.K. said “some men see things as they are and ask why.I see things that never were and ask why not?”I hope your day gets better because it sure as hell didn’t start out well.
And what Wheeler is hate filled about my comment? Perhaps if he gets a close up look at one he’ll see markings that it’s made in Iran.
And my day has been great thnk you very much.
You must have been a Murtha Marine.
However Wheeler,
I see how my statement could have been put better or explained a bit more.
Jonn, let’s be honest. These guys that go to Iraq don’t run mission. They don’t do a single day’s work or talk to soldiers without their “handlers” present. They don’t just randomly wander and talk to whatever joes they happen to see. No, they come for photo ops, eat at a chowhall, and talk to soldiers specially picked by the Chain of Command.
It’s so far from reality that I wouldn’t think any useful information can be gleaned.
And I know the troops want LESS dog-and-pony shows, not MORE.
Jonn wrote: OK, let’s be honest, shall we? If John McCain hadn’t been there in the last two years, you’d be complaining that “How can he make comments about supporting the war if he hasn’t even seen it yet?” Of course the troops don’t want to be part of a dog-and-pony show, but they still want to know that the politicians who plan on leading them at least recognize that they’re there. Obama won’t talk to Petraeus and he won’t go to Iraq or Afghanistan so that just tells me that he doesn’t really care about the war beyond the empty platitudes he can milk from it to appeal to the emotions of the Democrats’ base. Yes, let’s be honest.