More Bad News for Democrats

| June 4, 2008

“The war is lost. The surge has failed” (Sen. Harry Reid)
“The U.S. troop buildup in Iraq has failed” (Sen. Carl Levin)
“It’s clear that the current strategy – the escalation – has failed” (Sen. John Kerry)
“We should stop the surge and start bringing our troops home” (Sen. Joe Biden)

Bill Roggio reports:

Iraqi police announced the arrest of five senior leaders of the Mahdi Army in the city of Karbala as assassination attempts were made on three police commanders in Baghdad and southern Iraq. The largest attack occurred in a Shia neighborhood in Baghdad, and resulted in more than 13 killed and 50 wounded.

The Karbala police announced the captureof Mahdi Army commanders Ali Abd Taan, Sayyid Munadil, Muhsin Sharea, Haidar Jouri, and Razzaq al Samma. The five men lead a Mahdi Army unit in Karbala that was behind attacks on Iraqi police forces during a religious festival in August 2007. The attacks led to the closing down of the festival and a declaration of a unilateral cease-fire by Mahdi Army and Sadrist movement leader Muqtada al Sadr.

What would this report read if the president had followed the sage wisdom of Barack Obama? Remember the Killing Fields?

This is why amateurs don’t run big companies and shouldn’t run big countries.

Category: Politics

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Richard Wheeler

COB6 If Barack Obama’s sage wisdom had been followed we would not have gone to war with Iraq and this is the main reason he not Hillary is the Dem nominee.


BO may have been against it but was he even in the Senate when the votes were taken for Iraq?????

He’s coming up on 3 yrs now, isn’t he ?????

Richard Wheeler

COB6 Glad you’re back with all cylinders firing.The main reason Barack is the Dem. nominee for POTUS is the fact he opposed this war from the getgo.Most Dems including Hillary bought into flawed admin.intelligence.Jim Webb concurred with Obama.Polls show 70% of American people agree in hind sight with their judgement.Obama says we should “get out as carefully as we got in recklessly” and I believe the majority of Americans agree with him and will trust his judgement and ability to get it done. Wheeler Capt.USMCR


Considering that the conflict began march 20, 2003 and the Obamessiah was sworn into the Senate in January of 2005, he was kind of just sitting on the sidelines opining to whoever would listen, not so???

Not really liable for any consequences of his “wise” decisions, one way or the other ????? Hard to see how he gets away with sounding like “I never voted to start the war” when nobody asked him to, one way or the other????


Of course we all know he would not have wavered at all because we can “trust him, he’s not like the others”.

Richard Wheeler

Obama was a state legislator preparing to run for the U.S. Senate when he spoke in Chicago Federal Plaza. Like everyone Obama assumed Saddam had WMD’S and knew world would be better off without him.However he did not perceive threat to U.S. to be imminent,rationale for war flimsy, and ideologcally driven. He said after witnessing carnage and destuction of 9/11 he would willingly take up arms myself to prevent such tragedy from happening again,But he could not support “a dumb war,a rash war,a war based not on reason but on passion,not on principle but on politics”.He said a war without clear rationale and international support would encourage the worst rather than the best impulses of the Arab world and increase recruitment of Ai Qaeda.His book Audacity Of Hope explains his positions in great detail and alot more clearly than I can.I recommend it along with Faith Of My Fathers by John McCain.


Check your exit polling numbers. The majority of Democrats polled (in 36 states where exit poll numbers are available) 52% stated the economy is the most important issue in this election. Only 21% of the voters answered the war in Iraq. As for BO taking up arms himself… well I know he’s worn a USMC T shirt to play basketball, but I’ve not seen any other evidence of his martial fervor.


Reid, Levin, Kerry and biden all suffer from the same condition. That is Terminal Cranial Rectumitis. I learned that one from ABH1 Jack R. Trafton when I was a young pup aboard the Good Ship Independence CV62.

Richard Wheeler

If economy is main issue among total electorate Repubs are dead.Saw that USMC T shirt and would say Barack has game.Wheeler USMCR

Jonn wrote: Yeah, the economy has been terrible during the Bush Administration. Unemployment under 5% for two years, never over 6.1% for the whole eight years. Inflation has been under 2% almost every year. My mutual fund investments have returned 70% since January 2001. Horrible. Just horrible.


“Obama was a state legislator preparing to run for the U.S.”

Yes, and he’s famous as a state legislator for his PRESENT votes.


The “surge” is a smokescreen for the real issue. This was the wrong war at the wrong time. The real debates get lost when we throw up smokescreens. There is nothing “conservative” about pre-emptively invading a nation, putting our boots ont their soil, and overthrowing another government. Gulf I was correct. You don’t invade our allies. Bush sr, in retrospect was a far better president than this marginally intelligent at best neocon. I’m a libertarian. I appreciate classic conservatives like William Buckley. The reason you guys are going to lose big in November, and lose many more house and senate seats to boot, is because Bush/Cheney/Rove blew it. Bush ran center and cut right. And he cut right into a “new” (neo) area. As a result, you’re going to get Obama, with a democrat house and senate. But, we told you so.

And incidentally, I would have already taken action against North Korea and Iran, but apparently we don’t have the balls to go after them. Instead we go after a two-bit secular whore monger with a 3rd rate military.

Great job, let’s debate, bring it on.
