College educated Obama supporters

| June 5, 2008

Yesterday, a commenter tried to make the point that college educated people tend to support Barack Obama more than they supported either Hillary Clinton or John McCain. I’m not going to argue against that because the commenter, of course, didn’t provide a source for his statistics, nor am I all that interested in proving or disproving that. I will, however, offer a reason that such a thing happens; the more time people spend sitting in a classroom, the less real life experiences they have.

Life isn’t covered in books and professors, cloistered behind their ivy-covered walls, have no experience in life. They can quote Kafka and Dostoevsky but they can’t do their taxes or change a battery in their car.

College students support Obama in droves – because to their half-empty minds, he has loads of experience. But what do college students know? They’ve been supported their whole lives and worry about how they’ll support themselves when school ends. He must be smart because he was a teacher –  teachers have been telling students for years how smart they are. But ask someone with a real job how smart they think teachers are.

Yeah, I went to college – after I lived half of my life. That’s when I discovered how stupid teachers really are – when they told me about historical events that I had lived and knew their version was wrong and they wouldn’t accept my eye-witness account because it conflicted with what they’d learned from other stupid teachers.

The truth is; high school was tougher than college. Somehow in the twenty years between the time I went to high school and the time I went to college, high school and college lowered their expectations of students and they started graduating morons (how else do you explain remedial reading classes in college?). I breezed through college. I dropped out of a Master’s Program because it was a waste of my time – they weren’t teaching me anything I couldn’t learn on my own.

Diplomas are the goal now instead of the education a diploma is supposed to represent.

Some of the smartest people I knew growing up had never graduated eighth grade. They couldn’t quote Kafka or Dostoevsky  but they could change a car battery. I look around my workplace, which is full of college graduates, and they’re probably the dumbest people I’ve ever known.

So, I hope that explains to that commenter who tried to influence me to vote for Obama by making me feel stupid why I thought his comment was the dumbest thing I ever heard.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Society

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Case in point: My paternal grandfather was a self made millionaire on a grade 8 education. He started a soft drink bottling works in Glasgow, MT during the depression.
I did attend university after my 20 years. Non-traditional hardly describes it. About half of the faculty and student body could have used some time at sea.

The Gentle Cricket

College students support Obama in droves – because to their half-empty minds, he has loads of experience. But what do college students know? They’ve been supported their whole lives and worry about how they’ll support themselves when school ends.” I’ve paid my own way through college and now Medical school, and I’m certainly not supporting Obama (I was and still am a Mitt-Head). I do, however, worry about supporting myself after medical school…I don’t see a bright future for the medical field if Obama’s health care plan goes into effect.

I don’t think it has anything to do with being supported by others…instead, I think it’s the old Churchill quote: “If you’re not a liberal when you’re 25, you have no heart. If you’re not a conservative by the time you’re 35, you have no brain”. College students (and Medical students, I assure you) are all about the feel-good politics that don’t really work.