Winter is coming….

| March 5, 2010

Between Pacific coming up, and now this, I am all about the HBO. I would have used a Rome analogy instead of Sopranos, but trust me, this will be awesome.


Category: Politics

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Yeah, it’s killing me, because I hate to pay more for TV than I already pay for cable…but this series is going to kick ass. At least I have until next Spring to start saving up.


What is it with the fantasy geeks having R.R. in their name?

I see that your inner fantasy geek is showing, again, TSO.

Maybe we should look at changing your name to TS R.R. O?

I’m just sayin.


oh, man! Awesome.

Old Tanker

AT&T U-versve just gave me 3 free monthes of HBO….now I’m gonna have to pay for it to watch this series!


add to that the news that the HBO series ‘Rome’ may be going to the big screen…


Thank GOD you didn’t use a Rome analogy, that last time you spoke of Rome I had to tell you to keep quiet because you were fucking up my argument.


First off OT how did you get three free months of HBO?

This actually looks kinda cool. There are a couple shows I am looking forward to that are coming out. AMC is putting out a tv version of a comic that I am reading, The Walking Dead.

Old Tanker

jpj…..I don’t know, I just got an e-mail saying I had it….????

Army Sergeant

It’s all about the Benjens. (Stark, that is)