Damon vs. Reickhoff in “The Green Zone”
As we pointed out in an earlier post, Paul Reickhoff, the Executive Director of Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) has gone totally Hollywood by engaging in a public cat fight with Miley Cyrus. That was before I realized that Reickhoff had a part in a Matt Damon film.
Last night, our buddy, Greyhawk, sent us this clip from the movie “Green Zone” in which Matt Damon spends a few minutes berating Reickoff.
The first thought that ran through my head after watching the clip was; “So I guess this didn’t require any real acting ability for Reickhoff – being an incompetent dickhead comes natural. The audition must’ve been a breeze for him.”
I’m glad that they kept some of the realism that really counts in the movie. But I still won’t see it.
Category: Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America
I won’t see the movie, either, since I found out it is based on a book by the scumbag journalist that was specially evacuated from his embed in A-stan in order to attend the premier of this movie, by Marines that put it on the line, again, in order to facilitate his evac.
Plus, it has mr. “I play an action hero killing everyone, but I’m totally against war” as the star who said in an interview, that the movie character is a real person who supported bushco until he found out it was all a lie.
I don’t mind a good action flick, but I don’t need the self important asshole actors to open their pieholes off screen with their “opinion” on military matters.
its always about the politics. get over it. how about the fact that this guy makes his money off “helping” vets but time and time again shows he is more concerned with being a celebrity.
Anon; I hope you don’t mind if I don’t take your advice about “getting over it”, but thanks anyway.
As for Reickhoff wanting to be a celebrity? Well, he IS in a movie….so he’s got that going for him….which is nice.
I know you aren’t, it would require you to form your own thoughts and critiques instead of parroting the same lines over and over.
I don’t mind a good action flick, but I don’t need the self important asshole actors to open their pieholes off screen with their “opinion” on military matters.
Anon; ooooo ya got me with that one! That’s gonna leave a mark.
Now, if you would kindly show exactly what lines I parrotted, I would be more than happy to share my own thoughts instead of the standard line you just threw out, since you must be a really smart person of enormous intellect and experience.
I read the book many years ago and would recommend it. Its the story about Remfs(both Mil/Civilian) and how high on the hog they lived, in the artificial environment of the Green zone. Starting just before Brennan takes over.
That said, my understanding is that it’s “based on a true story”, because there wasn’t much of a story. Character development was bare boned, the narrative focused on the “bubble”. Which allows them to impose a “Bourne” like tale, using the green zone as a backdrop.
Whats next, Ben Afleck in Moon Raper?
Whewww! When I saw the title to this article I thought “funny, I don’t remember beating the snot out of this a-hole?”
Cartoonists. We think it’s all about us. 😉
One douchebag from Central Casting, coming up!
Also, could Matt Damon not wear that f*ckin’ Arab keffiyeh (that black-and-white check pattern is for a muslim from a non-monarchist country, notably associated with the PLO). That’s some sh*t that he (an American infidel) wouldn’t be wearing in Iraq (why not an “I Love Zarqawi” button then?).
American infidel? Blackhawk sells those and Marines wear them wherever it’s too sunny (I do it myself).
Anyhow, Greengrass has a great track record with these kinds of films and Matt Damon has every right to voice his opinion on violence as anyone else. He’s certainly been in more war zones and in contact with the military than your average American. Cut the strings for a change and let your brain do some thinking vice whatever right-wing voice of bigotry would like you to.
I can’t believe how different this movie is from the book is it based on. I read that book and thought it was really well done. The book is about state department college interns sitting by the pools in the Green Zone drinking booze and generally fucking up the reconstruction of Iraq. I’m not sure where this Bourne Identity plot got derived from.
Also, I have the same shmagh, I think it’s the only one the PX sells.
The keffiyeh became a “statement” with the PLO and more so with the Intifada… the military has an issue plain brown scarf of the same material for BDUs/DCUs (foliage green for ACUs) for such purposes already. Most westerners aren’t aware of the keffiyeh’s symbolism, but Damon (like other Hollywood left/libbers) knows… betcha the AAFES dudes stocking the PX or most of the folk who buy there don’t.
“Matt Damon!” like he said in Team America…
How ’bout that “Film Actors’ Guild (FAG)”!