Getting the Kokesh story right

| March 3, 2010

I’m beginning to believe that Judge Napolitano is a useless hack. In the following video, he introduces IVAW’s Kokesh as a captain in the Marine Corps. To his credit, Kokesh corrects Napolitano and tells Napolitano he was a sergeant in Iraq – but he neglects to explain he left the Marine Corps Reserves as a corporal. It reflects poorly on Napolitano’s research, however that he introduced Kokesh as a captain. If he knew the correct Kokesh story, would he even have Kokesh on his show?

I’ve tried to contact Napolitano on countless occasions to tell him whi he’s interviewing, but I’ve had no response so I tend to believe that Napolitano is ignoring the truth about Kokesh.

Just so you know Kokesh, here’s a link to a brand new post at 9/11 Families for a Safe & Strong America which pulls together a bunch of my posts about Kokesh along with information from across the blogosphere.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Media

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He looks like a drug addled freak. My liking of the Judge dropped a notch…maybe 10.


Scratch that. A drug addled freak in a tie.


Where are his producers on this? That’s where he’s getting his “facts” from, and who should be kicked in the balls until they give the RIGHT information to Napolitano.


Well; maybe the judge is a Paulian?


You might be right, OT. Otherwise, I go with Sparky, his producers or someone on his staff is asleep at the switch in regards to Kokesh. And DefendUSA is right, a druggie in a tie.

Just A Grunt

Judge Napolitano is a Paulian. He also supports that conspiracy nut Bob Jones. The judge, while I like his opinions on constitutional issues, embraces far too many loonies for me to take him seriously anymore. I really did like the guy, and I do agree with him on the issue of less federal government, but as they say, you are known by the company you keep and I don’t like his friends.


Alex Jones, perhaps?

Just A Grunt

Yeah Alex. Hey I ain’t good with names. Or faces.

This quite often led to serious consequences during the Dating Years.

Thanks for the correction Bohica.

Junior AG

For the record, Yeah, I lean Libertarian, No, I’d never vote for Kokesh. Xanax & gin chaser boy could easily be our Ted Kennedy and I don’t want to enable something like that.


the judge just seems to be gushing over kokesh, like maybe he was “getting a tingling feeling up his leg”

Tim Sumner

Via a comment on BlackFive, LL sends that Kokesh will be live on Your Served 3/04/2010 at 7 PM. Here’s the show link:


I wrote the mis-Judge off a long time ago…


If you can, go to the GOP Convention in Albuquerque (Hilton Hotel) on March 13. Let the GOP know tha truth about Kokesh.


Friday night at the Albuquerque Hilton will be receptions for the delegates and guests. Kokesh must get 20% to get on the primary ballot. If you can, go, mingle, and expose Kokesh.


My understanding is that should he not get on the ballort as an R, he can still run as an independent.

He looks like he’s on the pipe to me.