Kay Bailey Hutchison Concedes Texas Primary; No Word from Paulbot-9-11 Truther Debra Medina
I’m not planning to stay up and watch this but I wouldn’t be a bit surprised if Medina does everything possible to force a run-off. A run-off that will only cost Republicans more money and ultimately lead to her very deserved ass whipping.
Category: Politics
I doubt that she will be able to do anything with only 19 percent. I am surprised that that Governor Rick Perry was in office as long as was.
Rick Perry, like Scott Brown, is not a perfect conservative, but he and Scott Brown, stand head and shoulders above the competition. Neither of them had opponents acceptable to even a little of what America needs today.
I wonder where that puts “TeaParty.Org” and its heroic founder Dale “Dipshit” Robertson. Geeezus, he even took a movie stars name, didn’t he. I remember Dale Robertson, the movie actor, as being manly, even studly, at times.
Nuf Sed
While I am not a Medina supporter, and I hate Perry, she is not a “paulbot”. Many former Ron Paul supporters in Texas are well, former supporters.