Of Ass Clowns and that Damn Karma Thing

| February 25, 2010

Most of you are probably familiar with Rep. Alan Grayson (D-Orlando). This is the blowhard that is even more unhinged than Olberman who cannot resist any opportunity to demonstrate what a complete buffoon he is.

Grayson serves on the House Committee on Science and Technology and for reasons beyond anything I can imagine the committee felt compelled to tour Niger in Africa. It was probably not because Niger is so far ahead of the US in science or technology, was it?

Anyway during his stay a military coup kicked off. These things aren’t terribly uncommon in countries like Niger that are so scientifically and technologically advanced. And it was Thursday which is always a good day for a bloody overthrow of the government.

As the unrest was growing closer to the US embassy where the congressional delegation was staying an immediate evacuation of the fat, blathering class was essential.

Grayson was on a House Committee on Science and Technology tour last Thursday when a military coup closed the airport in Niger and then took over the government, violently entering buildings close to the U.S. Embassy compound where he was staying.

Grayson and others on his tour were evacuated from the embassy the next day aboard a helicopter owned by a subsidiary of Xe Services LLC. That company emerged from Blackwater USA after the controversial contractor reorganized following investigations into its international activities, including killing civilians in Iraq.

Rumor has it that the uncontrollable laughter caused by this idiot’s rescue is what sent the evil Dick Cheney to the hospital.

Category: Politics

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Thankfully, this Asshat is not my Rep, but he is in my local area.

I just hope he had the balls to thank the guys he vilified.


He’s on borrowed time at this point.
He’s probably just setting himself up for a gig on MSNBC.

Frankly Opinionated

I wonder if the aircrew at Presidential Airways was aware that they were rescuing this slimy bastard. Should have given him a door seat with no seatbelt……………….

Nuf Sed


That is one of the funniest stories I have ever read. Alan Grayson is so freaking stupid he probably wouldn’t have even realized who was flying him out. FO I was thinking the same thing…maybe have to dodge fire on the other side…problem solved.

B Woodman

Irony. And God is an Iron. That’s a hot one.


Maybe he should have been informed about who his transportation was going to be, ahead of time? That way he would hav the opportunity to refuse and we would never here from him, again.

Alas, that’s just a little wishful thinking on my part, because the survival instinct would have overpowered his sense of priciple anyway.


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