Curt, the Dutch, both pansies

| February 25, 2010

Curt yesterday:

Here’s a good one for you. Why can’t an Americans be beautiful and intellegent. Because then they would be Dutch!!

TSO Today:

Here’s a good one for you. Why aren’t Americans cowardly eunuchs? Because then they would be Dutch!! Hhahahahahahahahahaha


Fear prompts bobsledders to quit Olympics

Van Calker told his coach he just couldn’t drive this track and so on Wednesday the four-man No. 1 sled from the Netherlands pulled out of the Olympics.

Because their driver was terrified.

“I’ve never seen someone get to a major event and not compete because they’re scared. You keep your inner fears to yourself and do it,” de la Hunty told reporters at a news conference. “That’s why it’s such a popular sport in the military. It’s that kind of macho sport. You go over the top together.”

Nice country you have there Curt. Got Testicles?

Category: Politics

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Old Tanker

I wonder what the guy from Boston thinks about Curt….I mean Girlie man!!!


The death of Nodar Kumaritashvili and the track were not part of the decision?!?!? Hmm, way to sell out your teammates by being a gigantic pussy.


Oh, that’s gonna leave a mark.


It seems that the Dutch, during WWII, rolled over like bitches, also, Curt, just like they did when VanGoghe was murdered in the street.


Curt isn’t actually Dutch he has said that he moved there from the US. More than likely he is some burnout who decided it would be cool to live in Amsterdam.
I remember when I went to school in Maastrich (a city between Belgium and Germany) the older people there were grateful for Americans. The younger generation were starting to forget. There are two reminders of what we did for them in that city. On the bridge crossing the Maas river there is a plaque thanking the 101st for liberating their city, and just outside of town there is a huge graveyard filled with soldiers who died while fighting in the Netherlands.
Of course Curt probably knows less about Dutch history than I do.

AW1 Tim

I blame their wooden shoes, and bad haircuts.

However, what can you expect from a nation founded on Tulips and Dykes?

B Woodman

The Dutch ‘sledders probably got their panties twisted when they saw the Russian and German teams both go over while going down that run. But everybody on both teams were safe & uninjured. Shaken, but not stirred.
So what’s the Dutch’s problem? Besides being legal-pot-smoking, Islamic bitches.


Hey…anyone seen Curt today? I thought that the seventh graders got out of school at 3 o’clock! Oh well,maybe he is getting fitted for his retainer again since he lost his last one…if anyone sees him let me know OK,thanks…

Just A Grunt

Just for the record, the woman who was the brakeman on the USA 2 sled which won a Bronze Medal by braving the course 4 times is from Georgia.

Just wanted to give a shout out to the Georgia girl at the Winter Olympics. BTW that is the state not the country. Look on a map.


Sparky… I needed a spew alert for that one.

Adirondack Patriot

My favorite line from Austin Power’s “Goldmember” film in 2002 is when Austin Power’s father says:

“There’s only two things I hate in this world. People who are intolerant of other people’s cultures . . . and the Dutch.”


Anon, Kurt is still hiding in the locker room, waiting for the last of the big meanies to leave, so that he can get dressed and catch up with Jennifer and ask her to the prom. Forgetting that girls don’t like guys who smell like sweat socks, he forgot to take his usual shower of a spray of deodorant under each pit. And he forgot that he had the orthodontist’s appointment today.


I thought for a long time how I should respond to this Assault on Dutch honor. It was not to difficult to think of an intelligent response. It was impossible to think of a response that was both intelligent and funny. So I surrender.
I will wait and see if there is a come back for the Dutch.


If you wanna see pansy…theres the link boys!

Frankly Opinionated

hey Curt:
Do you hang at the “420 Club”? An old high school classmate lives in A’dam and hits the “420” every day. Y’all here may know him. He was a friend of Bill Ayers, he founded the Michigan White Panther Party, branch of the Weathermen, he went to the joint for drug possession, he had a rock group called MC-5, and then had the “Blues Travelers”. Still uber liberal, still anti military, still an asswipe. Ya oughta know him Curtsy.

Nuf Sed

Chuck Z

Sledding takes balls? Tell it to my six-year-old daughter. Popular in the military? Which one?


Funny thing, when a formerly great culture becomes totally irrelevant for a few hundred years, they just get so pissy. See Greece,Scandinavia(minus Denmark).

Cannoneer No. 4

Forgive them, Jasper, they know not what they do.


I was waiting for someone to bring that up, cannoneer, because if bringing one example to the table is considered as a remedy for an entire nation and their history over the last 100 years, then we have it beat hands down.

There’s a book out there that lists many names, not just one, that’s called “A Bridge Too Far”, which will enlighten you on naming examples.

B Woodman

If the Dutch want to impress me, as a people, then they need to do several things.
#1-FInd “Curt” and throw him out of the country.
#2-Re-form their gov’t and quit bitchin’ about sending a companys worth of troops to the ‘Stan.
#3-Quit being Islam’s bitch, & throw the sheet heads out of the country. Or at least bring them under tight control. Remember van Gogh!


Curt ~ “I thought for a long time how I should respond to this Assault on Dutch honor.”

You have to have honor first, in order to defend it…

The Sniper

After WW II, aren’t the Dutch at least half German now anyway?


Ok you you you you. I was going to leave you alone. But now I am going to tell you a true story. I went out to my car this morning hopped in and turned on the radio and drove off. A few seconds latter I realized that the radio was not working. I check my side mirror and I saw that someone had ripped off my car antenna. I bet that will make all of you happy. It makes me happy to. If the cost of spreading truth and justice is losing my car radio that is a price that I am easily willing to pay. Ok to say that I suspect that someone from the US military community is responsible for this act of vandalism would be perhaps to say more than I intend. After all there are plenty of restless teenagers in the neighborhood. But to say that I wonder if this act of vandalism was carried out by a member of the US military community would not be an understatement. After all how many coincidences need to occur before a person starts to wonder if it is more than just coincidence but a conspiracy. After all if a packet of spices labeled Russian Spice for backed chicken would show up next to your door after you come back from walking your dog, and then you read a headline in this aint hell about clowns and Karma and then your car gets vandalized I think that would make a person wonder if these events could not somehow be related. Just in case these events are related I am going to respond to some recent events with a little poison of my own. Rangers and Seals who give a shit if someone is impersonaiting a Ranger or Seal. If you are a real Ranger or Seal you should not be telling anyone that you are a Ranger or a Seal. It is called OPSEC dipshits. The fact that you are or even were a Ranger or a Seal could be very valuable information if it falls in to… Read more »


I forgot something about age appropriate toys.
Amrican men love to play with guns.
Take a lesson from German men who have been there and done that. If you want to play with toys that will help you control the situation and make a wonderful world. Start playing with model train sets. No seriously this is not a funny joke. It is much more realistic advice than playing with guns.


Curt…I am a rangersealtigersharknuclearsubcommando who likes to sprinkle paranoid pixie dust on people when they are asleep….who said that mental illness can’t be fun? WAKEY….WAKEY mein FRAU…..


Curt must be hanging out with Eric May.

Here’s what you do, Curt; go get some tin foil and fashion a hat that looks like the wrapper of Hershey kisses and place it on your head. My thought reading equipment is overloading from your paranoia, so making a tin foil hat will block me from having to read your thoughts.


Years ago, we designed an “electric bed” for a whacked out woman who kept calling the 911 operators, complaining that the aliens were mind-probing her, yet again. We’d throw a switch on the dispatch console, she’d hear it when we held the phone next to the switch, and she wouldn’t call for 6 or 7 weeks. Until the electric charge wore off. Curt, we just threw the switch, you’ve been de-programmmed, now go back to smoking what you think is pot, and hang out with the rest of the dipshits that think you’re cool.


Oh, and Curt, Germany has the world’s largest model railroad layout, and we’ve seen how well some German men have turned out.

Frankly Opinionated

Did anything that dumbphuck said make any sort of sense? Just checking to see who is a pothead here. To them he brings true clarity in speech.
He is as whacked out as Justin methinks.
Private to Curt: This design is aimed at you and yours:
Nuf Sed
