Interrogator Camerino plays lawyer, fails

| February 21, 2010

Late last week, the Justice Department announced that it probably didn’t have a reason to prosecute the White House legal team upon whose opinion the Bush Administration built their interrogation policy. As lawyers argue from their particular point of view, DOJ’s mind seems to be made up. This from the Washington Post;

“When you combine all this with the threat reports that were being done and everything, I don’t know whether anyone crossed the line,” former department lawyer Jack Goldsmith said. “I certainly couldn’t say that myself. I don’t even know what the standard is.”

Of course, since at least some of the discussion is about interrogation, Anthony Camerino, formerly known as Matthew Alexander, thinks he has something important to say on VoteVets and the Huffington Post;

When I took the oath as a military officer, I don’t remember any mention of sunny or dark days. I swore to support and defend the Constitution and to faithfully discharge my duties on all days. Isn’t this the essential element of leadership? A ship doesn’t need steering when the river is its steady guide.

What part of the Constitution covers interrogations, Tony? And since when have you become a lawyer? Because countless lawyers can’t agree with each other, why does a interrogator suddenly think he has the education to make policy for the administration? Getting paid by the George Soros Foundation and the ACLU doesn’t make you a legal expert.

Camerino’s opinion is based purely on his pocketbook. Camerino gets paid to have the opinion that what the Bush Administration engaged in was torture. How else could a major in the Air Force afford to pay cash for a $300k condo on Capitol Hill? I also wonder how, if he disagrees so vehemently with the government, he’s accepting a promotion to Lieutenant Colonel and planning to deploy to conduct interrogations this summer.

I also have problems with the Air Force for those exact same reasons. Do they think so little of the troops on the ground, that they’d put a Soros-funded, ACLU-trained pseudo-lawyer to be in charge of a unit of interrogators? The man is obviously a self-serving boob, so what scares the Air Force?

Category: Antiwar crowd, Terror War, Usual Suspects

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“A ship doesn’t need steering when the river is its steady guide.”

Good thing this guy wasn’t Navy. Nice analogy, asshat–nobody has EVER run around on a river, ya douchenozzle. Why this guy doesn’t have the IG crawling up his ass is beyond me.


I agree, Sparky, his analogy sucks, plus it is highly surprising that a major can afford to pay 330k in cash for a condo, plus still be in the military and promoted. I’m thinking that he is a bought and paid for hack whose allegiance isn’t to the normal chain of command. I wouldn’t trust this asshole to be in charge of pediatrics in a womens prison.

AW1 Tim

Seems to me there is a serious conflict of interest situation with this fellow. Has CID passed on him?


Is it more of the PC climate that has invaded the Pentagon, Jonn? That would be one explanation. Or, has Soros bought off more higher ups in the chain, also? We know his infuence permeates the WH and Congress; so I guess I’m wondering why the military is allowing this douchenozzle to continue on in his present capacity? As you said, he can’t continue to be effective, but I’ll add that he can’t be objective, either, nor would I trust his judgement, or who he gives any intel to, because it seems that access to that intel has been paid for by Soros.


You hit it out of the park again, OT. And to enhance your point of his objectivity, how will this douche act on any intel his unit gets? Will he act, and pass it on, or will he be more concerned with the how of the methods used to obtain the intel. It’s gonna be miserable for his guys looking over their shoulders the whole time he’s wherever he’ll be.

AW1 Tim


How about if his unit generates intelligence that goes against his agenda? Does he sit on it and not pass it up the chain because it doesn’t fit the story he’s selling?