Pretender now works at VetVoice
In what was probably a difficult search to replace the gaping void at VetVoice left by the passing of Brandon Friedman, the Angry Rakkasan, (known at TAH as Beaker), the lightweights left behind have settled on Matthew Alexander;
Mark Alexander wrote a book a while back advocating for treating terrorists in more friendly manner. Taking them to Dairy Queen for a Blizzard, whispering sweet nothings in their mite-infested ears – stuff like that. It was supposedly based on his experiences as an Air Force Officer and interrogator. The only problem is, Matthew Alexander isn’t his name. We don’t know what his name is because he won’t tell us. We can’t verify if he was an Air Force Officer or some homeless guy off the street who had an idea for a book.
Yeah, yeah, I know his name is supposed to sealed by court order to “protect” him – but you know what? No one in the military is an island.
Think if Jesse MacBeth had used a fake name and announced it before he went public and told his tales. How would we have been able to bust him? Find people in his unit who could tell us those things never happened. Essentially, that’s what I’ve done (with the help of an anonymous mole).
Apparently, no one in the Air Force has heard of this goofball or the cases he’s wrote about in his book. And the folks I’m getting this from are folks who would’ve worked with, trained with and known Alexander or whatever his name is today.
Here’s a quote from my mole;
One fact “Alexander” gives, in particular, would make him very well known in OSI – he claims to have been a Pave Low pilot prior to entering OSI… um, no. Not to say it couldn’t happen, but it would be VERY rare, and would be much remarked about.
I did a search of the OSI Agents and couldn’t find a single one with a secondary AFSC of 11 (pilot). First of all – why would you transfer from the one field that is most likely to get you a star to one that is least likely?
There is ONE OSI General. It’s just not done, you know what I mean?
And no one has heard of someone with this background. He should have attended the OSI Reserve conventions/whatever they’re called with people I know. They should know who he is. They have no idea. And no one recognizes his picture.
Uh-oh. The narrative begins to not fit. Good question, though – why would a guy in an organization called the AIR FORCE want to stop being a pilot?
In his book, Alexander claims that he was in Saudi Arabia in 2003 (can’t place him there, still, and that even narrows things more). He recounts one episode of walking through the Saudi desert with over a million dollars (page 122). OSI NEVER has that much baksheesh cash. NEVER. And he would not have been walking through the desert alone with it. EVER. It didn’t happen.
The single most important thing about Alexander’s claim to have been the one that “broke” the guy and got the information to find Zarqawi is this: Zarqawi WAS NOT LOCATED DUE TO INTERROGATIONS. Period. This is even mentioned on Wikipedia (even though they have this asshole’s name up there, too). It was a tip.
What I can tell you about his Huachuca claims, and his other interrogation claims, is this: he claims that his approach of building rapport is new and novel. [redacted] went through Huachuca in 2002 – and that’s what they taught him then. Alexander is taking advantage of the fact that most people have no idea of what goes on there to claim credit for something that he didn’t start.
So here’s a guy who arrives at the cutting edge of the politics of torture battle with just the right story to tell, as far as the Left is concerned. (And, oh, did I mention that besides working for Vote vets, Alexander works for George Soros?). We can’t check his story, we can’t even check his ID – for no good reason.
How many faux veterans have told you in a bar that their records are top secret? That’s usually the first thing they begin their stories with – like our Spooky 8 clown.
Can I be prove he’s lying? Nope…but all I need to do is plant a seed of doubt. You’ll remember that Rick Duncan/Strandlof was a diarist on VoteVets, so I guess this is a way to avoid that mistake again – hide your phony vet writers behind a court order and a name change.
There may be more to come on this douche, depending on the heat I get from Vote Vets – given their record, they’ll try to ignore this instead. Like they ignored the Rick Duncan story.
Category: Bloggers, Phony soldiers
Good times, good times.
I can’t wait to see what proof he comes up with next.
I heard he also served in Spooky Six. He went by the name Agent Orange.
Let the good times roll….
What happened to Friedman? You state “his passing”, so what’s the scoop?
On to this group: It must be gratifying to the morons at VoteVets to be a puppet of Soros. I mean, he funds them and now it appears that he installs his own people to fill the voids. That the homo pictured has his “real identity sealed” is utter BS. That no one, outside of the milblog community, is challenging this assertion leaves me to believe that VoteVets is a bunch of liars, or retards, for believing that crap.
Jonn wrote: Friedman went to work for Rickie Shinseki and Tammy Duckworth at the VA.
Hey, I have a great idea!!! They can bring in Bob “Rambo was a pussy” King to be on their front page, too, that way homo won’t be alone with the “true identity sealed”, or “records sealed” crappola?
I don’t know how you can doubt the veracity of such an upstanding military officer. When I was working at [redacted] and we had to question [redacted] we used his book as our
biblemanual. Sometimes you change career paths not because of the promotion potential but rather because you are a screw up, I mean you seek something with a higher moral calling.I remember when I was in charge of {super secret Morrocco mole type stuff so [redacted]} I realized that I could better serve by transferring to a not so glamorous job of permanent CP (Courtesy Patrol).
Not saying I was a high placed person but have you ever noticed that they closed down Cheyenne Mountain after I left the service……Just saying.
I smell blood in the water… TAKE HIM DOWN!!! Mark Alexander will be to the USAF OSI as “Wendy’s Ranger” Jesse Mac Beth is to the 75th Ranger Regiment!
Now let me see about this. . .
If the dude’s a fake, how can he get a court order to “seal” his identity? Or can that be done by anybody, for any reason?
If he’s a fake, and the court WON’T seal his ID, and the whole thing’s a scam, then you should be able to “out” him & his forgery.
GO TAH. Get ‘EM!
Just a note- A couple of people above have referred to him as “Mark” Alexander. Isn’t his name “Matt” Alexander? The Mark Alexander that I am familiar with publishes the “Patriot Post”.
I sent this to “Lindsay” at V V:
Y’all thrive on these phony soldiers, don’t you. Are you so dense that you cannot see them coming? Sure am proud that I don’t belong to an organization with so many phonies.
Matt Alexander’s true name and lack of service record will rise to the top of the sludge pit that is VV and IVAW type outfits.
Frankie Cee
nuf sed
FYI, his book “How to break a terrorist” was co-written by John Bruning. The same John Bruning that co-wrote Workman’s “Shadow of the Sword” and Bellavia’s “House to House”.
Not making a point, just wanted to throw it out there.
I don’t know if the dude is real or not, but the fact that we can’t challenge him on it certainly detracts from any believability for me. I remember the halcyon days of old when we couldn’t challenge Rick Duncan also due to his horrific injuries in Fallujah.
Man I wish Rush had called him a phony veteran.
Having done a lot of classified stuff (which I promise, involved no ninja coolness and instead really boring but useful stuff) and worked and hung out with people that have, the hallmark is usually that they just don’t talk about things at all unless they have to. It’s just due to the culture-you get in the habit of not answering questions.
Guys that try to make what they did sound cool make the rest of us look bad, and also I think don’t have the temperment for intelligence work. When you do intelligence work, you have to enjoy being useful outside the spotlight, and accept that no one will probably ever know the cool stuff you did.
AS–Oh, STOP already. I’ve been on classified ops, signed debriefing statements where the expiration date is, “Never,” but I haven’t had to change my name or have my service record sealed by court order. So when you create a wall, you also create doubt as to veracity. Try to grasp that concept, won’t you?
Be carefull NHSparky
She will post your name, e-mail & phone # on her blog if you make her mad….
BTDT, Steve. I actually had a Ron Paul supporter (Ronulan) call HR where I work, claiming I was threatening her on company time and on company computers. That was a real hoot.
You big mean man you….
This is better than HBO!