Things you might have missed
I’m sure you all remember my buddy Skye from Flopping Aces and Midnight Blue. She was assaulted by an anti-war protester at her weekly vigil in Chester County, PA a few months ago. Mike’s America interviewed her on the aftermath of the trial and conviction of the criminal on Flopping Aces this weekend. Of course, as the discussion goes on in that post, a commenter from the Left changes the discussion to Winter Soldier, and Skye ends up using this blog as reference here and then my buddy, Wordsmith (from Flopping Aces and Sparks From the Anvil) takes the Leftist to school here. It was sweet watching those two pros take on the fool.
Also, my latest post is up at Eagles Up! Talon. I wrote about some bloggers who’ve been holding the “mainstream media” accountable for what they print;
It’s a battle everyday – a battle to discover the truth. It’s getting so that a rational and concerned person has to seek out the real truth behind headlines, behind every statistic we hear, behind every news story, behind every word. Lying has become part of our culture suddenly, from politicians who tell us wild stories about dodging non-existent sniper fire and others who tell stories about their uncles who liberated a concentration camp on the other end of their war.
Read the rest here.
Category: Politics
Jonn Please don’t forget about a press secretary manipulated and misled by the Pres. about wmds and other pre war fabrications.He also writes msm was too easy on administration.Just a thought.
Jonn wrote: Yes, the price of tea in China has shot up in recent months.
Jonn China tea prices do fluctuate.Assume McClellan revelations no surprise to you?
Jonn wrote; No they don’t surprise me. All former staffers of lame duck Presidents know they only have a few months to turn out their books – the same thing happened when Clinton left office and when Reagan left. As for the veracity of what he’s saying; anything I say won’t be sufficient to change your mind, so I won’t try, I’ll just leave you with this link; it seems many of things McClellan recounted are from meetings he never attended and outside his area of work. Of course, if Jesus Christ himself answered your question with volumes of documentation, he wouldn’t be able to persuade you from your preconceived notions. I’m sure this will somehow lead to a verbatim recitation of the combat record of Jim Webb.
Elsewhere in the world —
BRUSSELS (Reuters) – “Fred and Wilma Flintstone” were arrested as they approached the European Parliament on Monday to protest about the influence of the auto industry on proposals to curb carbon dioxide emissions from cars.
Six Greenpeace activists dressed as cavemen and traveling in a Flintstones-style vehicle were detained along with three others for public order offences, police said.
Scott McClellan is doing just what he has accused others of doing, and is sealing his fate.
Richard, you troll, I see that you’ve found your way over here after COB6 buried you at his blog. Who are you campaigning for? Stretchface? Harebrain Reid? the Obamessiah? Surely, not for a better America.
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Jonn My mind is at least as open as yours and I would welcome and believe the word of the Lord.Lacking that the word of a “Bushie” longtime friend and insider will have to suffice.Jim Webb looks good vs.chickenhawks in current admin.To F.O.I’d say I’m campaigning for the truth or at least as close as we can get.Semper Fi
Jonn wrote: Well, I suppose if a candidate’s Chickenhawk credentials were all they needed to get your vote, aside from John McCain’s own record, he has a son in theater and another on the way. So I guess we can expect your support in November.
OK, Richard, I’ll bite; who do you find to be the truthful candidate for POTUS? c’mon now, gimme your best shot. But watch out for the sniper fire, and run with your head down, while your uncle recovers from his Auschwitz induced PTSD.
anxiously waiting,
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Lets watch closely the straight talk express vs Obama over next 5 months.We’ll see.I promise you I’ll vote for the winner but suggest J.M. steer clear of “W”who becomes more toxic daily.